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City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall Reopened at 360 N Main St.

City Hall has moved from its previous, leased offices into the new, permanent building at 360 N. Main St. at 7 a.m.

The public can accesses the same services at the new location during the same business hours: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Departments located at the building include Administration, Billing and Finance, Building Inspection, Planning, Community Relations and Human Resources.

A ribbon cutting and open house is planned for Tuesday, May 14, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.

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Transit Advisory Meeting Minutes November 8, 2010

Minutes of the Transit Advisory Committee
Second Meeting: Monday, November 8, 2010
City Council Chambers
6:30 PM

Members Present: Brenda Conry, James Jetter, Adam McLaughlin, Joshua Sabin, Jim Sayre, Glenn Siders, Councilor Coleen Chipman, Councilor Brian Wayson
Members Absent: None

1. Call to Order. Staff opened the meeting at about 6:35, and reported that Del Long will not be able to
participate with the committee because he has conflicts on Monday evenings.

2. Presentation of New Information by Staff and Discussion. Wheatley briefly summarized the information sent to committee members with the agenda packet. In addition to the summary, the following information was attached and discussed:
• 28E Agreement with Coralville for transit services, and amendment.
• Historic North Liberty ridership and costs.
• SEATS Rider’s Guide.
• Summary of the North Liberty Transit Survey, 2009. Jim Sayre suggested that a new survey might be done to gauge current demand for various types of service, and there was general agreement on that point after discussion of the 2009 survey. Jim Jetter feels strongly that additional buses are needed, and staff reminded the group that one direction from Council was to stay within or close to the current budget. Glenn stated that the group should not reject the potential of more service without more study. Josh asked the group to think about identifying the value of the bus service to the city, and discussion returned to the 2009
survey. Everyone thinks it could have been done better in one way or another. There was consensus among the group that a new survey and analysis would be very desirable, followed by assistance from a transit consultant to identify best alternatives. Brenda feels that the city should do a better job of promoting bus use because of its environmental benefits.

3. Election of Chair and Vice‐Chair. Jim Sayre nominated Glenn Siders for the Chair position. Josh seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Glenn then asked for volunteers to serve as vicechair, and Josh said he was interested. Brenda seconded and Josh was elected Vice‐Chair

4. The next meeting will be December 13, when staff will report back on possible costs for survey and transit consulting work. The meeting adjourned at about 8:15

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