City of North Liberty, Residents Recognized for Innovative Neighborhood Ambassadors Partnership

The City of North Liberty — and the volunteer residents who serve as Neighborhood Ambassadors — will be honored by the International City/County Management Association as the recipient of the organization’s Community Partnership Award. ICMA’s Community Partnership Award recognizes the programs or processes that demonstrate innovation, excellence, and success in multi-participant involvement between or among a local government and other governmental entities, private sector businesses, individuals, or nonprofit agencies to improve the quality of life for residents or provide more efficient and effective services.

“We’re thankful for the recognition of this program, and we’re already seeing these neighbors helping our community be better informed and be better connected,” said City Administrator Ryan Heiar.

The Neighborhood Ambassador program, part of the Great Neighborhoods initiative launched at the start of 2021, recognizes that quality of life improves when people feel safe and connected to the folks outside their front door and in their community, and aims to build trust and increase connection among the city’s residents, their neighborhoods and the local government.

“We’ve started to build a sense of community that allows people to get involved,” said Allan Schau, the ambassador in North Liberty’s Old Town neighborhood. “It has been such a rewarding program and I’m excited to see where the Neighborhood Ambassador program leads us in the future.”

Residents of North Liberty can find their ambassador, apply to represent their neighborhood or learn more about the program at

The ICMA Local Government Excellence Awards Program highlights creative contributions to professional local government management while demonstrating the difference that effective and committed management makes to the quality of life in our communities. Nominations are evaluated by an independent, 13-person panel of ICMA members, and ICMA’s program awards are presented to local governments and their chief administrators in recognition of their innovative and successful programs. Awards are presented to local governments for each of three population ranges: less than 10,000, 10,000 to 49,999, and 50,000 and greater.

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