Join the Parks and Recreation Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission will have an vacancy to fill the remainder of a term that ends on June 30, 2025. The Mayor and City Council will appoint a volunteer to fill this opening after the closing of applications on Dec. 1, 2023.

The Parks and Recreation Commission helps plan for the continuing development of parks and recreation facilities in North Liberty. They also set policies for operation of those facilities. This volunteer commission meets monthly, usually in the evening on the first Thursday of each month. Full appointments are for a three-year term.

Applications are available online or at City Hall, 3 Quail Creek Circle. Applications are due March 13, 2020. Completed applications can be mailed to City Hall; c/o City Clerk; P.O. Box 77; North Liberty, IA 52317; in person at City Hall or by email at [email protected].

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