Category: Great Neighborhoods

City Welcomes New Neighborhood Ambassador Program Cohort

The City of North Liberty is pleased to welcome a new cohort of residents to the Neighborhood Ambassador program. Established in 2020, the award-winning, newly-refreshed Neighborhood Ambassador program takes a cohort through five sessions between September and May covering topics of community interest, including community safety, planning and zoning, public works, parks, community events and…

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Meet Your Neighbors on Sept. 28

National Good Neighbor Day is on Thursday, September 28, and several Neighborhood Ambassadors have made plans to celebrate between 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. that evening. Meet your neighbors at a gathering near you! CEDAR SPRINGS POND 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Meet your Neighborhood Ambassadors from Cedar Springs and enjoy free pizza, snacks and drinks! Enter…

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City of North Liberty, Residents Recognized for Innovative Neighborhood Ambassadors Partnership

The City of North Liberty — and the volunteer residents who serve as Neighborhood Ambassadors — will be honored by the International City/County Management Association as the recipient of the organization’s Community Partnership Award. ICMA’s Community Partnership Award recognizes the programs or processes that demonstrate innovation, excellence, and success in multi-participant involvement between or among a…

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