Type of Signs Permitted
The temporary advertising signs specified below are allowed.
The city has implemented a web-based permitting system for temporary signs. Applicants simply enter the information for the desired sign(s). For questions or if you are having difficulty accessing the permitting system, please contact Ryan Rusnak at (319) 626-5747 or [email protected] or stop by City Hall. Unpermitted temporary signs may be subject to issuance of a municipal infraction.
Cost of Permit
At this time there is no fee for the permit.
When Signs Can be Placed
The signs are allowed to be displayed for up to 10 days up to five times per 12-month period. Owners can track their usage with the online permitting system.
Where Signs Can be Placed
Signs may only be displayed on private property. Generally, that means at least one foot back from the sidewalk towards the building. Signs placed between the sidewalk and the street will be removed by city staff.
Sign Condition
Signs are to be kept in good condition and replaced when damaged or faded.
Number of Signs Allowed
The number of signs allowed is:
- For single-tenant or single-owner lots: two signs for each street frontage, but if the lot has over 100 feet of street frontage, one additional sign for each 50 feet.
- For multi-tenant lots, the same rules for single-tenant/single-owner lots but make sure to coordinate with other businesses in the development so the maximum is not exceeded. The number of signs is based on the lot frontage and not the number of businesses.