Centennial Center Alcohol Policy
- “Agreement” means the Centennial Center Rental Agreement between the City and the Renter, allowing the Renter the temporary and exclusive use of the Facility for a set period of time, subject to certain terms and conditions.
- “Caterer” means the person or business vendor who will be serving alcoholic beverages in the Facility.
- “City” means the City of North Liberty, Iowa.
- “Facility” refers to one or more buildings and their immediate surrounding areas situated in Centennial Park in North Liberty and rented for temporary private use as described in the Agreement. Such buildings may include the Amphitheatre, Event Hall, or both.
- “Renter” means the person or legal entity named on the Agreement.
General Requirements
- The consumption and sale of alcohol within the Facility is prohibited, except as provided in the Agreement and this policy.
- Alcohol service must end by 10:45 p.m. with the event ending by 11 p.m. All guests and catering equipment must be removed from the Facility by midnight.
- Any alcohol left in the Facility will be disposed of by the City.
- Events will be open to all ages unless otherwise specified in the Agreement.
- Renter and Caterer must adhere to all applicable State of Iowa alcohol regulations, including minimum age requirements for serving and consuming alcohol.
- The sale, distribution, and/or consumption of cannabis-infused drinks in the Facility is prohibited.
- The consumption and sale of alcohol in the Amphitheatre requires a special event permit, and is otherwise prohibited.
License Requirements:
To comply with state law and City code, the Caterer must either carry Catering Privilege on their existing annual license from Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (IABD) or secure a 5-day temporary license for the Facility during the event. The IABD has put certain restrictions in place for both Catering Privilege and 5-day temporary licenses, and the Renter is responsible for ensuring that the Caterer has obtained the appropriate kind of license from the IABD for the event being hosted. Proof of either Catering Privilege or a 5-day temporary license must be provided to the City 30 days prior to the event date.
The park’s outdoor stage doubles as a patio and is connected to the Event Hall. To have alcohol served or carried onto this outdoor space, outdoor service must be added to the liquor license acquired from the State. This may be done by including “outside concrete patio adjacent to event space” in the description of the licensed premises with the IABD.
Insurance & Security Requirements:
- When hiring a Caterer to serve alcoholic beverages, the Renter is:
- Required to sign an Event Rental Agreement for the space with the City of North Liberty.
- Required to pay a $250 deposit at time of contracting. Depending on damage to the facility or excessive cleaning needed, the full, partial, or none of the deposit will be returned to renter following event. The renter is also responsible for any damage or excessive cleaning costs beyond $250, if necessary, per the rental agreement.
- Required to hire a Caterer that is licensed by the IABD and provide documentation of the following conditions to the City at least 30 days out from event:
- A copy of the Caterer’s Liquor Liability Insurance (minimum of $1,000,000) listing the City of North Liberty as additional insured for date of event.
- A copy of the Caterer’s General Liability & Casualty Insurance (minimum of $1,000,000) listing the City of North Liberty as additional insured for date of event.
- Required to hire one (1) private, professional security guard to be on-site 30 minutes before alcohol service begins until at least an hour after the event concludes and City staff closes the building. Private security personnel will assist with event security and crowd management as it relates to alcohol.
- Required to designate an unimpaired representative in their party who City staff can direct to mediate any inappropriate guest behavior (intoxication, fights, smoking, damage to building, etc.).
License Requirements:
A Renter may provide and serve alcohol inside the Centennial Center without a Caterer if:
- Renter has leased the space for a 3-hour or 6-hour block between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- The event is private and is free for invited guests to attend.
- Renter does not expect more than 200 attendees.
- Alcohol may not leave the building (not permitted on the outdoor stage/patio)
- Alcohol is served to guests at no charge (events with cash bar must hire a Caterer)
- Only beer and/or wine permitted (no liquor)
- No kegs or cannabis-infused beverages
- Only the Renter may provide alcohol (guests cannot bring in alcohol)
Exception: Renter can sell tickets to an event or offer a cash bar with approval from the City if Renter otherwise satisfies the License Requirements for Caterers set forth above.
Insurance & Security Requirements:
When providing alcoholic beverages to guests the Renter is:
- Required to sign an Event Rental Agreement for the space with the City of North Liberty.
- Required to pay a $250 deposit at time of contracting. Dependent on damage to the facility or excessive cleaning needed, the full, partial, or none of the deposit will be returned to renter following event. The renter is also responsible for any damage or excessive cleaning costs beyond $250, if necessary, per the rental agreement.
- Required to designate an unimpaired representative in their party who City staff can direct to mediate any inappropriate guest behavior (intoxication, fights, smoking, damage to building, etc.).
- Encouraged to discuss with their insurance provider if additional coverage is appropriate.