Baseball Field Rental


Baseball Field Rental

  • Contact Information

  • Request Details

  • Fields Available: Penn Meadows Fields #1-8, Koser and Quail.
    Field Rental$20 per hour per field
    Chalk/Diamond Dry$12/bag chalk
    $15/bag Diamond Dry
  • Terms and Conditions

  • Practice/game reservations will be taken starting on the first Wednesday of February every year through a live draft held at the NL Recreation Center at 6:00 pm, date could change so please contact the NL Recreation Department prior to this time. Tournaments can be scheduled a year in advance with a deposit, the deposit will be deposited and can be used to pay on the bill at the end of the tournament if there are no issues. The Assistant Recreation Director should have received cancelling of any fields at least one month prior to the tournament, if this doesn’t happen then the field deposit for each field not used will be forfeited.

    Provide a certificate of insurance prior to the event listing the City of North Liberty as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence.

    Fees due either at time of reservation or can be billed if set up with the Assistant Recreation Director.

    Field rental includes bases and pitching rubber.

    Park Staff will drag fields only once per day.

    Renters must chalk fields. Renters can use rakes, chalkers and batters boxes provided by the City.

    Restroom: Key may be picked up at Recreation Center to unlock; at end of use keys must be returned or deposit will be kept.

    Pitching rubber distances. Pitching Rubber is moveable Base distances: 60 foot bases on ten fields, 65 foot bases on ten fields, 70 foot bases on four fields, 80 foot bases on four fields.

    Fence distances: seven youth fields: 200 feet, two fields: 250 feet, three fields: No fences.

    If the fields or the area aren't in good condition after the rental of a tournament then some or all of the deposit will be kept to cover the cost and future rentals may be denied.

    By clicking submit I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this rental.

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