Parks and Recreation Commission on February 6, 2020
7:00 p.m. Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
New Business:
- Call to Order
- Approve minutes
- Public Comment
- Board Vacancy
- Jerry has announced his resignation, his family is relocating to Minnesota. April will be last meeting. Best wishes!
- Program Update
- Beat the Bitter Event wrap up
- Indoor Triathlon Feb. 9
- Spring Break March 16-20
- Laser Tag March 21
Old Business:
- Parks Report
- Recreation Report
- Concerns or Questions
- Next Meeting
- Thursday, March 5, 2020; 7:00pm
- Adjournment
New Business:
1. Call to Order at 7 pm
2. Approve minutes Richard, Derrick
3. Public Comment
4. Board Vacancy Jerry has announced his resignation, his family is relocating to Minnesota.
April will be last meeting. Best wishes!
a. Shelly will send application information to City Hall for approval to replace Jerry’s
5. Program Update
a. Beat the Bitter Event wrap up
i. No curling due to ice condition
ii. Guy felt the new format seemed to flow better
iii. Overall, well attended
b. Indoor Triathlon Feb. 9
i. Unsure of current registration
c. Spring Break March 16-20
i. Matt Fielder does BASP and all-day events during this time
d. Laser Tag March 21
i. Newly offered event
Old Business:
1. Parks Report
a. Continue to work on equipment for spring and winter equipment
b. Two shelters have been put up at the dog park with goal to establish turf grass as
soon as able
c. Helped communication and rec departments with Beat the Bitter
d. Johnson County Dog PAC event went well
e. Invasive and dangerous trees have been removed, now on to stabilization of bank at
Muddy Creak. Project is coming along well. Cottonwood trees are being mulched.
f. Seeking out seasonal employees at local universities
g. Working on FY 2021 budgets, have met with council and some priorities didn’t make
i. Trail lighting has been moved down on priority list.
ii. Centennial and Penn Meadows will continue with development plans
iii. Moving forward on resurfacing parking lot of Penn Meadows and repaving
for pickleball court
2. Recreation Report
a. Classes and activities are picking up heading into spring and summer
b. Discussed drop in and sign up for pool/class activities
c. Basketball overall successful
d. Sport Leagues are popular, 450+ boys and girls enrolled through North Liberty.
Excludes Coralville numbers.
e. 47 competitive basketball teams.
f. New rookie basketball league had 40 participants
3. Concerns or Questions
a. Marcia asked about budget changes after talks. No significant changes per Shelly.
Framed as pool and park related by having splash pad at Centennial Park. Discussed
game room as well.
4. Next Meeting: Thursday, March 5, 2020; 7:00pm
5. Adjournment: 7:17 pm