Board of Adjustment on September 21, 2016


    1. Roll Call.
    2. Public Comment
    3. Variance: Request from Advantage Rentals LLC for a variance to allow creation of two duplex lots that contain less area than required by the Zoning Ordinance, located at the northeast and northwest corners of West Lake Road and Sunset Court. (Legal: Lots 39 and 43, West Village Part 3)
      1. Staff Presentation
      2. Applicant’s Presentation
      3. Questions and Comments
      4. Formal Action
    4. Minutes of Previous Meeting (August 2016)
    5. Old Business
    6. New Business



SEPTEMBER 21, 2016, 6:30 PM
Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Reed at 6:30 PM. Board of Adjustment
members present were: Reed, Erenberger, Carter, Ruttam by phone. Kouri was absent.
Others present: Duane Musser, MMS Consultants; Chad Keune, Advantage Custom Builders; Michael
Lee, neighbor of properties.
Public comment on items not on the agenda: None.
Variance: Request from Advantage Rentals LLC for a variance to allow creation of two duplex lots that
contain less area than required by the Zoning Ordinance, located at the north east and northwest
corners of West Lake Road and Sunset Court.
(Legal: Lots 39 and 43, West Village Part 3)
Michael Lee, Chad Keune (owner), and Duane Musser (representing MMS Engineering) spoke in favor of
the variance. The Board discussed the case in relationship to the seven criteria listed in the City Code
and on the application, and generally agreed that this was not a unique set of circumstances, it was for
financial gain, the hardship was self-created, there were other remedies, substantial rights would not be
denied, and this would be a special privilege. It was noted that it would not be detrimental.
Ruttum motioned to deny the variance, and Erenberger seconded the motion. The variance was denied
by a 3-1 vote. Carter, Erenberger, and Ruttam voted to deny the variance request. Reed voted “no” to
the motion, in favor of the variance.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Adjournment: The Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 7:01 PM.
Brandon Davis, Housing and Code Enforcement


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