City Council for March 14, 2023


6:30 p.m.

Regular Session

Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, February 28, 2023
    2. Claims
    3. Liquor License Renewal, Jalapeno
    4. City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 2, $787,848.52
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Council Reports
  10. North Ridge Preliminary Plat
    1. Staff and Planning Commission recommendations
    2. Applicant presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2023-23, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for North Ridge – Part 2 & 3, North Liberty, Iowa
  11. Animal Ordinance Amendment
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-04, An Ordinance amending Chapters 55, 56, and 57 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, concerning procedures for impoundment and redemption of impounded animals, compliance requirements for dangerous dogs, and licensure of service animals
  12. Old Business
  13. New Business
  14. Adjournment



March 14, 2023

Regular Session


Call to order 

Mayor Pro Tem Brian Wayson called the March 14, 2023, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle.  Councilors present: Ashley Bermel, RaQuishia Harrington, Brian Wayson; absent—Mayor Chris Hoffman, Brent Smith, Erek Sittig.


Others present: Ryan Heiar, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Mary Byers, Ken Leo, Robert Downer, and Derek Blackman.


Approval of the Agenda

Harrington moved, seconded by Bermel, to approve the agenda.  The vote was all ayes.  Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Harrington moved, seconded by Bermel, to approve City Council Minutes, Regular Session, February 28, 2023; Claims; Liquor License Renewal, Jalapeno; City Hall Project, City Construction, Pay Application Number 2, $787,848.52.  The vote was all ayes.   Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

No public comments were offered.


Engineer Report

City Engineer Kevin Trom was absent from the meeting.


City Administrator Report

City Administrator Ryan Heiar thanked the members of the Council for their attendance so we could have this short meeting.  Heiar reported on the progress of the new City Hall and encouraged the council to drive by see the shape and scope of the building. At the March 28th City Council meeting there will be a Facility Naming Policy as well as a request from the Big-O Foundation to rename the Babe Ruth Field to Owen Skelley Field.


Mayor Report

No report was given.




Council Reports

Harrington thanked the City of North Liberty supporting the Children’s Museum Gala, and  Mayor Hoffman and his wife for attending.


Bermel reported that the Sip and Stroll was well attended and had great feedback from the public.  Mayor Hoffman and Bermel attended Pizza with Politicians, where the youth of North Liberty had two pages of questions and Bermel was impressed with the event.


Wayson attended the Sip and Stroll and mentioned the Blue Bird and Tin Roost received a lot of foot traffic from the event and maybe next time we could incorporate other businesses in the area.


North Ridge Preliminary Plat

Staff Presentation

Rusnak presented the request of Scanlon Family, LLC. And The Trustee of Penn Township to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat for a 37-lot subdivision on approximately 36.32 acres.  The property is located at the southeast corner of North Liberty Road and Oak Lane NE.  The Planning commission recommended approval.


City Attorney Grant Lientz addressed the Council on the agreement between the property owner and the Fjords North Homeowners Association on concerns that were addressed at the Good Neighbor Meeting on June 15, 2022.


Applicant Presentation

Bob Downer was present on behalf of the applicant and offered additional information on the agreement between the Scanlon Family and Fjords North Homeowners Association.


Public Comments

Ken Leo,  Township Cemetery Board, referenced a half-acre to the south on this property that has mature trees and would be a great place for a city park.  The Cemetery Board has the budget to maintain the property if the city would be interested.


Harrington moved, seconded by Bermel, to approve Resolution Number 2023-23, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for North Ridge – Part 2 & 3, North Liberty, Iowa and that the findings of the North Liberty Planning and Zoning Commission are hereby ratified.  The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Wayson, Bermel; nays—none; absent—Sittig, Smith.  Motion carried.


Animal Ordinance Amendment

Harrington moved, seconded by Bermel, to approve the Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2023-04, An Ordinance amending Chapters 55, 56, and 57 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, concerning procedures for impoundment and redemption of impounded animals, compliance requirements for dangerous dogs, and licensure of service animals.  The vote was—ayes—Harrington, Wayson, Bermel; nays—none; absent—Wayson, Sittig.  Motion carried.


Old Business

No old business was presented.


New Business

No new business was presented.



Harrington moved, seconded by Bermel, to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.  The vote was all ayes.   Meeting adjourned.






By:         _________________________________

Brian Wayson, Mayor Pro Tem


Attest:                ______________________

Mary Byers, Deputy Clerk




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