City Council on May 8, 2018
- Call to order
- Roll call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Consent Agenda
- City Council Minutes, Regular Session, April 24, 2018
- City Council Minutes, Special Session, May 1, 2018
- Claims
- Liquor License Application, Liberty View Wine and Spirits
- Front Street Project, Pay Application Number 2, Dave Schmitt Construction, $151,586.71
- Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 1, Streb Construction, $267,206.80
- Locker Room Renovation, Pay Application Number 1, Woodruff Construction, $93,385.00
- Trails Project, Pay Application Number 1, All American Concrete, Inc., $71,250.00
- Phase I Water System Improvements, Pay Application Number 19, Portzen Construction, Inc., $224,505.84
- Public Comment
- City Planner Report
- City Engineer Report
- City Attorney Report
- Assistant City Administrator Report
- City Administrator Report
- Mayor Report
- City of Iowa City letter to IDOT
- Noble Knights
- Presentation from the Noble Knights
- Grand Rail Site Plan
- Staff and Commission recommendations
- Application presentation
- Resolution Number 2018-64, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for Lot 2, Inter-City Industrial Park – Part Four, North Liberty, Iowa
- Morel Woods Preliminary and Final Plats
- Staff and Commission recommendations
- Application presentation
- Resolution Number 2018-65, A Resolution regarding the review of the Morel Woods Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat, Johnson County, Iowa
- Hodge Construction Company Rezoning Request
- Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-03, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property owned by Hodge Construction Company located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-6 Single Family Residential Zoning District
- Highway 965/Ranshaw Way Signal Control
- Resolution Number 2018-66, A Resolution approving the Cooperative Agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty for Adaptive Signal Control Technology system
- Solid Waste Ordinance
- Public hearing regarding amendments to solid waste control and collection
- First consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-04, An Ordinance amending Chapters 105 and 106 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending Chapters related to Solid Waste Control and Collection
- Ranshaw Way Project
- Resolution Number 2018-67, A Resolution approving a special speed limit specifically for a segment of Ranshaw Way/Highway 965 in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
- Kansas Avenue RISE project
- Resolution Number 2018-68, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-69, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from MAJ Properties II LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Resolution Number 2018-70, A Resolution approving the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between MAJ Properties II LLC and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-71, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from John P. Rarick and Theola K. Rarick to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Resolution Number 2018-72, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between John P. Rarick and Theola K. Rarick and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-73, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Thomas P. Streb and Linda M. Streb to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Resolution Number 2018-74, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Thomas Streb and Linda Streb and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-75, A Resolution approving the Deed Without Warranty from Clear Creek Amana Community School District to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Resolution Number 2018-76, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Clear Creek Amana Community School District and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-77, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Clint P. Rarick and Rosemarie Conner to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Resolution Number 2018-78, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Clint P. Rarick and Rosemarie Conner and the City of North Liberty
- Resolution Number 2018-79, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Bowman Property, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
- Old Business
- New Business
- Adjournment
Call to order
Mayor Terry Donahue called the May 8, 2018 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilors present: Jennifer Goings, Sarah Madsen, Jim Sayre. Absent: Chris Hoffman and Anne Pollock.
Others present: Ryan Heiar, Scott Peterson, Kevin Trom, Dean Wheatley, Amy Koller, Jason Hall, Dan Lange, Michael Pentecost, Derek Blackman, Jake Evans, Charlie Hull, Tyson Wirth, Mary Byers and other interested parties.
Approval of the Agenda
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Consent Agenda
Goings moved, seconded by Madsen, to approve City Council Minutes, Regular Session, April 24, 2018; City Council Minutes, Special Session, May 1, 2018; Claims; Liquor License Application, Liberty View Wine and Spirits; Front Street Project, Pay Application Number 2, Dave Schmitt Construction, $151,586.71; Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 1, Streb Construction, $267,206.80; Locker Room Renovation, Pay Application Number 1, Woodruff Construction, $93,385.00; Trails Project, Pay Application Number 1, All American Concrete, Inc., $71,250.00; Phase I Water System Improvements, Pay Application Number 19, Portzen Construction, Inc., $224,505.84. The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.
Public Comment
No public comments were received.
City Planner Report
Planning Director Wheatley gave an update on the transit systems performance.
City Engineer Report
City Engineer Kevin Trom reported the water system improvement project is expected to go on line soon. The raw water line leaks that were discovered during the pressure testing have been fixed and the contractor is now working on sidewalk repairs and restoration. The Highway 965, Phase 3 Project continues with the utility poles coming down this week, and the closing of Cherry Street on the east side of Highway 965 for the installation of the sidewalks and curb ramps. The Trail Network upgrades project is progressing at all three sites and paving should be done in the next two weeks. Paving on the first phase of the Front Street Project should begin in early June. A preconstruction meeting should be held in the next couple of weeks for the Kansas Avenue Project. Design standards for the Penn and Front Corridor Improvements should be ready for staff review May 18th and the sewer manhole upgrades should start soon after Memorial Day.
City Attorney Report
City Attorney Scott Peterson gave an update on the agreements and deeds needed for the Kansas Avenue Project and reported that a special meeting with the council will be required.
Assistant City Administrator Report
No report
City Administrator Report
City Administrator Ryan Heiar will continue to work with the Council to find a date for training. Heiar gave an update on the new trash program for North Liberty. Heiar commented on the Front Street Project and how City Staff and the contractor met with the homeowners before the projected started and feels this helped with the effort to make homeowners comfortable with the project.
Mayor Report
Mayor Donahue reported that he participated in a transit panel in Iowa City for Senior Month. Donahue wanted the Council’s opinion on a letter that the Iowa City Council would like to send to IDOT, with North Liberty and other metro cities endorsement opposing planning for additional lanes on Interstates 80 and 380. The consensus of the Council was that the Iowa City Council could send out any letter they want, and there was no indication from any member of support for the letter.
Noble Knights
Charlie Hull of The Noble Knights addressed the Council on a need for lighting the trails in North Liberty. The Noble Knights is an after school program that meets on Wednesdays and identifies needs in their schools and community.
Grand Rail Site Plan
After much discussion regarding corridor designs in general, Sayre moved, seconded by Madsen, to defer this item until the next regular meeting so that a full Council will be present and can discuss concerns on the site plan and corridor design standards. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Sayre, Goings; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Morel Woods Preliminary and Final Plat
Sayre moved, seconded by Madsen to approve Resolution Number 2018-65, A Resolution regarding the review of the Morel Woods Subdivision Preliminary and Final Plat, Johnson County, Iowa. The vote was: ayes–Goings, Sayre, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Hodge Construction Company Rezoning Request
Sayre moved, seconded by Goings, to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-03, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property owned by Hodge Construction Company located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RS-6 Single Family Residential Zoning District. The vote was: ayes–Sayre, Goings, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Highway 965/Ranshaw Way Signal Control
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-66, A Resolution approving the Cooperative Agreement between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty for Adaptive Signal Control Technology system. The vote was: ayes–Madsen, Sayre, Goings; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Solid Waste Ordinance
At 7:25 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the public hearing and there were no public comments. The public hearing was closed.
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-04, An Ordinance amending Chapters 105 and 106 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending Chapters related to Solid Waste Control and Collection. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Ranshaw Way Project
Sayre moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-67, A Resolution approving a special speed limit specifically for a segment of Ranshaw Way/Highway 965 in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Madsen, Sayre, Goings; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Kansas Avenue RISE project
Goings moved, seconded by Madison to approve Resolution Number 2018-68, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes: Sayre, Goings, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Sayre moved, seconded by Madsen to approve Resolution Number 2018-69, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from MAJ Properties II LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Goings, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Madison moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-70, A Resolution approving the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between MAJ Properties II LLC and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Goings, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Madsen moved, seconded by Sayre, to approve Resolution Number 2018-71, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from John P. Rarick and Theola K. Rarick to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Goings, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Sayre moved, seconded by Madison, to approve Resolution Number 2018-72, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between John P. Rarick and Theola K. Rarick and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Goings, Sayre, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Goings moved, seconded by Madsen, to approve Resolution Number 2018-73, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Thomas P. Streb and Linda M. Streb to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes—Goings, Sayre, Madsen; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings to approve Resolution Number 2018-74, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Thomas Streb and Linda Streb and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Madsen, Goings; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Sayre moved, seconded Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-75, A Resolution approving the Deed without Warranty from Clear Creek Amana Community School District to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Madsen, Goings; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-76, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Clear Creek Amana Community School District and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Sayre moved, seconded by Madsen, to approve Resolution Number 2018-77, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Clint P. Rarick and Rosemarie Conner to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Pollock, Hoffman. Motion carried.
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-78, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Clint P. Rarick and Rosemarie Conner and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Goings moved, seconded by Madsen, to approve Resolution Number 2018-79, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Bowman Property, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way. The vote was—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Madsen moved, seconded by Goings, to approve Resolution Number 2018-80, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Bowman Property, LLC and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes—Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman, Pollock. Motion carried.
Old Business
Goings reported that the coffee at Molly’s on May 4th was great and Blues and Barbeque is looking for volunteers.
Madsen gave a thank you to the Communications Dept. on the great job they did with the CRANDIC Run.
New Business
Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.