City Council on December 10, 2024


6:00 p.m. Regular Session

Council Chambers, 360 N. Main Street

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, November 26, 2024
    2. Streets and Maintenance Facility Interior Remodel, Pay Application Number 9, Peak Construction Group, $31,084.56
    3. Acceptance of the Streets and Maintenance Facility Interior Remodel Project
    4. Centennial Park Event Complex, Pay Application Number 4, Larson Construction Co., Inc., $327,190.09
    5. Fox Run Pond Trail Improvements, Change Order Number 1, Dennis Spencer Construction, $6,054.07
    6. Fox Run Pond Trail Improvements, Pay Application Number 3, Dennis Spencer Construction, $22,858.30
    7. Forevergreen Road Signal Improvement, Change Order Number 2, Eastern Iowa Excavating & Concrete, $30,164.25
    8. Forevergreen Road Signal Improvement, Pay Application Number 4, Eastern Iowa Excavating & Concrete, $140,469.51
    9. Liquor License Application, Bowldogs
    10. Liquor License Renewal, The Leaderboard
    11. Liquor License Renewal, Red’s Alehouse
    12. Claims
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Council Reports
  10. Freedom Park Trail Improvements Project
    1. Public Hearing regarding plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Freedom Park Trail Improvements Project
    2. Resolution Number 2024-111, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Freedom Park Trail Improvements Project
  11. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Obligations
    1. Resolution Number 2024-112, A Resolution approving the Agreement between the City of North Liberty and United Action for Youth
    2. Resolution Number 2024-113, A Resolution approving the Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Greater Iowa City
    3. Resolution Number 2024-114, A Resolution authorizing the obligation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for Community Center Projects and authorizing the transfer of funds
  12. USDA Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2024-115, Resolution authorizing and approving an Initial Loan Agreement with South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company, providing for the issuance of a General Obligation Note and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same
  13. Wayfinding Report
    1. Resolution Number 2024-116, A Resolution of the City Council adopting the Signage and Wayfinding Assessment
  14. Solomons Landing – Part Five Final Plat
    1. Resolution Number 2024-117, A Resolution approving the Off-Site Storm Sewer and Drainage Easement Agreement between Solomons Landing Owners’ Association and the City of North Liberty for Solomons Landing – Part Five
    2. Resolution Number 2024-118, A Resolution approving the Surety Agreement for Solomons Landing – Part Five between the City of North Liberty and Pratt Real Estate Management, Inc.
    3. Resolution Number 2024-119, A Resolution approving the Final Plat and accepting Surety for Public Improvements for Solomons Landing – Part Five North Liberty, Iowa
  15. Policy regarding payables for Council meeting
    1. Resolution Number 2024-120, A Resolution establishing the policy for the payment of claims due to the cancellation of the second City Council meeting in December 2024
  16. Grace Community Church Utility and Annexation Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2024-121, A Resolution approving the Utility Extension and Voluntary Annexation Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Grace Community Church
  17. Watts Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-13, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District Designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RS-6 Single-Unit Residence District to RS-9 Single-Unit Residence District
  18. Liberty’s Gate Lots 7 & 8 Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-14, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from C-1-B General Commercial District to C-2 Highway Commercial District
  19. Fire Station #2 Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-15, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from ID Interim Development District to P Public District
  20. Old Business
  21. New Business
  22. Adjournment



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