City Council on December 11, 2018


6:00 p.m.: Joint Session – Johnson County Board of Supervisors
6:30 p.m.: Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Joint Session with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors
    1. Update on Highway 965 construction, from North Liberty to the bridge over the Iowa River
    2. Update from North Liberty
    3. Update from Lynette Jacoby, Social Services Director
    4. Update on the Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center
  5. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Work and Regular Session, November 20, 2018
    2. Claims
    3. Kansas Avenue RISE Project, Change Order Number 4, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $3,605.50
    4. Kansas Avenue RISE Project, Pay Application Number 7, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $279,967.48
    5. Highway 965, Phase 3, Change Order Number 8, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $ 845.35
    6. Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 8, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $
    7. Water Treatment Plant Project, Pay Application Number 25, Portzen Construction, $ 11,573.58
    8. Liquor License Renewal, Reds Alehouse
    9. Liquor License Renewal, SugaPeach
    10. Liquor License Renewal, Johncy’s
    11. Liquor License Renewal, Café Muse
  6. Public Comment
  7. City Planner Report
  8. City Engineer Report
  9. Assistant City Administrator Report
  10. City Administrator Report
  11. Mayor Report
  12. Police Department Project
    1. Project Update
  13. Economic Development Protocol
    1. Resolution Number 2018-151, A Resolution approving the Economic Development Communication Plan between the Iowa City Area Development Group and participating cities
  14. Fire Department Strategic Plan
    1. Fire Department Strategic Plan presentation by Chief
    2. Discussion and possible action
  15. Main Street Right of Way Vacation
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2018-11, An Ordinance vacating a portion of right-of-way in North Liberty, Iowa
    2. Resolution Number 2018-152, A Resolution setting the Public Hearing on the disposition of real estate owned by the City of North Liberty
  16. DERS 380 LLC, Moyna North LLC Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-12, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property owned by DES 380 LLC, Moyna North LLC to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the C-2-A Commercial District
  17. Project Funding
    1. Public hearing on proposal to enter into an Essential Purpose Loan Agreement
    2. Public hearing on proposal to enter into a Supplemental Urban Renewal Loan Agreement
    3. Resolution Number 2018-153, Resolution taking additional action on proposals to enter into General Obligation Loan Agreements and combining Loan Agreements
  18. Penn Street and Front Street Project
    1. Resolution Number 2018-154, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Stone Ridge Investments LLLP and the City of North Liberty
    2. Resolution Number 2018-155, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Stone Ridge Investments, LLLP to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way
    3. Resolution Number 2018-156, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between B Square Properties, LLC and the City of North Liberty
    4. Resolution Number 2018-157, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from B Square Properties, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way
    5. Resolution Number 2018-158, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company and the City of North Liberty
    6. Resolution Number 2018-159, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way
    7. Resolution Number 2018-160, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Penn Meadows Condominiums and the City of North Liberty
    8. Resolution Number 2018-161, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Penn Meadows Condominiums to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way
  19. Policy regarding payables for Council meeting
    1. Resolution Number 2018-162, A Resolution establishing the policy for the payment of claims due to the cancellation of the second City Council meeting in December 2018
  20. Delinquent accounts
    1. Resolution Number 2018-163, A resolution assessing sidewalk repair fees owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes
  21. Streetlight Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2018-164, A Resolution approving the removal of street lights according to the terms set forth in the existing Street Light Contract
  22. Old Business
  23. New Business
  24. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Terry Donahue called the December 11, 2018 Regular and Joint Sessions of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:02 p.m. Council members present:  Jennifer Goings, Sarah Madsen, Annie Pollock, Jim Sayre; absent: Chris Hoffman.

Johnson County Board of Supervisors present:  Janelle Rettig, Mike Carberry, Rod Sullivan and Lisa Green-Douglass.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Kevin Trom, Dean Wheatley, Joel Miller, Chief Diane Venenga, Chief Brian Platz, Mark Nolte and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda

Pollock moved, Madsen seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Joint Session with the Johnson County Board of Supervisors

Update on Highway 965 construction, from North Liberty to the bridge over the Iowa River

Supervisor Carberry read an email on the work on Highway 965 North of North Liberty from Greg Parker, County Roads. The elected officials discussed the project.

Update from North Liberty

Ryan Heiar presented an update on City projects. The items were discussed between the elected.   Supervisor Rettig reported that the call volume for ambulances is starting to spike.  The County needs to have ambulance staged in North Liberty.

Update from Lynette Jacoby, Social Services Director

Lynette Jacoby provided an update on Social Services in Johnson County.  Fifty-six residents in North Liberty received social services cash assistance from the County last year.

Coucilor Hoffman arrived at 6:23 p.m.

Update on the Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center

Supervisor Lisa Green-Douglass provided the update on the Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center.  The County has purchased a property on Southgate. Design will happen in the spring.  Projected opening is September 2020.

At 6:32 p.m., the City Council moved into the Regular Session.

Consent Agenda

Sayre moved, Hoffman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes from the Work and Regular Sessions on November 20, 2018; the attached list of Claims; Kansas Avenue RISE Project, Change Order Number 4, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $3,605.50; Kansas Avenue RISE Project, Pay Application Number 7, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $279,967.48; Highway 965, Phase 3, Change Order Number 8, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $ 845.35; Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 8, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $ 95,385.82; Water Treatment Plant Project, Pay Application Number 25, Portzen Construction, $ 11,573.58; Liquor License Renewal, Red’s Alehouse; Liquor License Renewal, SugaPeach; Liquor License Renewal, Johncy’s; and the Liquor License Renewal, Café Muse.  The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment

No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report

City Planner Dean Wheatley reported that the latest report on Coralville fixed route and SEATS services transit was included in the packet.

City Engineer Report

City Engineer Kevin Trom had no report.

Assistant City Administrator Report

Assistant City Administrator Tracey Mulcahey reported on Toys for Tots.

City Administrator Report

City Administrator Ryan Heiar provided a City Attorney hiring update.

Mayor Report

Mayor Terry Donahue reported on BRAVO awards presented today.  Three people from North Liberty were recognized: Tyson Landsgard, Dave Moore and Raquishia Harrington.

Police Department Project

Heiar and Chief Venenga presented an update on the project.  Council discussed the amendments to the project proposal.

Economic Development Protocol

Heiar presented information relating to the proposed protocol.  Mark Nolte presented additional information.  Council discussed with Heiar and Nolte.  Pollock moved, Goings seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-151, A Resolution approving the Economic Development Communication Plan between the Iowa City Area Development Group and participating cities.  The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Pollock, Hoffman, Goings; nays – Sayre. Motion carried.

Councilor Hoffman left the meeting at 7:11 p.m.

Fire Department Strategic Plan

Fire Department Strategic Plan presentation by Chief Platz.

Pollock moved, Madsen seconded to approve the Fire Department Strategic Plan. The vote was all ayes. Plan approved.

Main Street Right of Way Vacation

Goings moved, Madsen seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2018-11, An Ordinance vacating a portion of right-of-way in North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Goings, Pollock, Sayre, Madsen; nays – none. Motion carried.

Madsen moved, Goings seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-152, A Resolution setting the Public Hearing on the disposition of real estate owned by the City of North Liberty.  The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Sayre, Pollock, Goings; nays – none. Motion carried.

DERS 380 LLC, Moyna North LLC Rezoning

Pollock moved, Sayre seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2018-12, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property owned by DES 380 LLC, Moyna North LLC to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the C-2-A Commercial District.  The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays – none. Motion carried.

Project Funding

At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the public hearing on proposal to enter into an Essential Purpose Loan Agreement. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed.

At 7:30 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the public hearing on proposal to enter into a Supplemental Urban Renewal Loan Agreement. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed.

Pollock moved, Madsen seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-153, Resolution taking additional action on proposals to enter into General Obligation Loan Agreements and combining Loan Agreements.  The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Goings, Sayre, Madsen; nays – none. Motion carried.

Penn Street and Front Street Project

Heiar presented information on the project and easements. Madsen moved, Goings seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-154, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Stone Ridge Investments LLLP and the City of North Liberty.  The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Goings, Sayre, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Pollock moved, Sayre seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-155, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Stone Ridge Investments, LLLP to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way. The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Sayre, Goings, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Sayre moved, Madsen seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-156, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between B Square Properties, LLC and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Sayre, Goings, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Goings moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-157, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from B Square Properties, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way.  The vote was: ayes – Sayre, Madsen, Goings, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Madsen moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-158, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company and the City of North Liberty.  The vote was: ayes – Goings, Madsen, Sayre, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Madsen moved, Goings seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-159, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way.  The vote was: ayes – Madsen, Pollock, Sayre, Goings; nays – none. Motion carried.

Sayre moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-160, A Resolution approving the Public Easement Agreement between Penn Meadows Condominiums and the City of North Liberty. The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Madsen, Goings, Sayre; nays – none. Motion carried.

Goings moved, Madsen seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-161, A Resolution approving the Warranty Deed from Penn Meadows Condominiums to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of Right-of-Way.  The vote was: ayes – Sayre, Pollock, Goings, Madsen; nays – none. Motion carried.

Policy regarding payables for Council meeting

Heiar presented information on the resolution. Pollock moved, Madsen seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-162, A Resolution establishing the policy for the payment of claims due to the cancellation of the second City Council meeting in December 2018. The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Goings, Madsen, Sayre; nays – none. Motion carried.

Delinquent accounts

Sayre moved, Goings seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-163, A resolution assessing sidewalk repair fees owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Goings, Madsen, Sayre, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Streetlight Resolution

Heiar presented information on the resolution. Council discussed the resolution.  Sayre moved, Madsen seconded to approve Resolution Number 2018-164, A Resolution approving the removal of street lights according to the terms set forth in the existing Street Light Contract.  The vote was: ayes – Sayre, Pollock, Goings, Madsen; nays – none. Motion carried.

Old Business

Councilor Sayre provided an update on the proposed Veteran program.  Councilor Pollock reported on the great turnout at events at the Rec Center and Library recently. Councilor Madsen asked for an update on school construction.  Heiar will request an official update.

New Business

Councilor Goings reported that there is a special election next Tuesday.


At 7:44 p.m., Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting.



Packet Addendum: Social Services Department overview
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