City Council on January 24, 2017


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, January 10, 2017
    2. City Council Minutes, Special Session, January 17, 2017
    3. Claims
    4. December Revenues
    5. Liquor License Renewal, El Cactus, Class C Liquor License with Sunday sales endorsement (with updated ownership)
    6. Liquor License Renewal, Johncy’s, Class E Liquor License with Sunday Sales endorsement
    7. Liquor License Renewal, The Station LLC, Class E Liquor License with Sunday Sales and Growler fill endorsements
    8. Phase I Water System Improvement, Division I Water Treatment Plant, Portzen Construction, Pay Application Number 3, $180,671.91
    9. NL WWTP Phase 2 Project, Tricon Construction, Change Order #10, $27,587.25
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Planner Report
  7. City Engineer Report
  8. City Attorney Report
  9. Assistant City Administrator Report
  10. City Administrator Report
  11. Mayor Pro Tem Report
    1. Statement of support for the Guard and Reserve
  12. Phase I Water System Improvements, Division II – Water Mains
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost
    2. Resolution Number 2017-05, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Phase I Water System Improvements Division II – Water Mains
  13. North Liberty Road Project
    1. Resolution Number 2017-06, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the North Liberty Road Improvements Project, North Liberty, Iowa
  14. Logan Contractor Supply Site Plan
    1. Staff and Commission Recommendation
    2. Applicant presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2017-07, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for Lot 2, Resubdivision of Lot 13, I-380 Industrial Park, North Liberty, Iowa
  15. Parking Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2017-08, A Resolution approving parking control devices in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  16. North Liberty Cafeteria Plan
    1. Resolution Number 2017-09, A Resolution approving the amended Cafeteria Plan for employees in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  17. Mayoral Vacancy
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding Mayoral vacancy
  18. FY 18 Budget Discussion
  19. Old Business
  20. New Business
  21. Adjournment


Call to order
Mayor Pro Tem Terry Donahue called the January 24, 2017 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order. Councilors present: Terry Donahue, Chris Hoffman, Jim Sayre and Brian Wayson; absent – Annie Pollock.

Others present include Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Kevin Trom, Dean Wheatley, Megan Benischek and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda
Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda
Wayson moved, Sayre seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes from the Regular Session on January 10, 2017; City Council Minutes from the Special Session on January 17, 2017; the attached list of Claims; December Revenues; the Liquor License Renewal for El Cactus, Class C Liquor License with Sunday sales endorsement (with updated ownership); the Liquor License Renewal for Johncy’s, Class E Liquor License with Sunday Sales endorsement; the Liquor License Renewal for The Station LLC, Class E Liquor License with Sunday Sales and Growler fill endorsements; Pay Application Number 3 for the Phase I Water System Improvement, Division I Water Treatment Plant, Portzen Construction, $180,671.91; and Change Order #10 for the NL WWTP Phase 2 Project, Tricon Construction, $27,587.25. After discussion, the vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment
No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report
City Planner Wheatley reported on the transit service both the SEATS and Coralville services. Council discussed the report with staff.

Councilor Pollock arrived at 6:33.

City Engineer Report
City Engineer Trom reported on the water projects. The wastewater treatment plant project is about 85% complete. The North Liberty Road Phase 2 project bids were opened last week. The Penn Street Improvements public hearing will be on February 14 and awarded on February 28. The brine/storage building 100% complete plans have been distributed to staff. The project will be bid and awarded in March. The SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project has been shut down for winter, but may begin again in February if weather holds.

Assistant City Administrator Report
Assistant City Administrator Mulcahey reported that the City’s barn was featured in a local Farm Bureau Agent’s calendar. She is attending a meeting tomorrow to learn what possible regulation changes on water might be coming. Mulcahey attended the first planning meeting of the year for Defenders of Land and Water’s 11th year.

City Administrator Report
City Administrator Heiar reported that North Liberty has not received an agreement from IDOT for the Forevergreen Road Project, yet. Staff is working on a water conservation plan for IDNR. Heiar will be receiving some information about the leasing of space for the Police Department next week. A closed session will be on the February 14 agenda for discussion. Upcoming meeting dates: January 30 – Joint Meeting at Penn Elementary, CIT training and funding will be discussed; January 31 – budget meeting starting at 6:30 p.m.

Mayor Pro Tem Report
Mayor Pro Tem Donahue reported that at the MPOJC meeting tomorrow night passenger rail service will be discussed.Mayor Pro Tem Donahue read the statement of support for the Guard and Reserve.

Phase I Water System Improvements, Division II – Water Mains
At 6:42 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Donahue opened the public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost. No oral or written comments were presented. The public hearing was closed.

Hoffman moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-05, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Phase I Water System Improvements Division II – Water Mains. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Sayre, Pollock, Wayson, Donahue; nays – none. Motion carried.

North Liberty Road Project
Wayson moved, Sayre seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-06, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the North Liberty Road Improvements Project, North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Wayson, Sayre, Pollock, Donahue; nays – none. Motion carried.

Logan Contractor Supply Site Plan
Wheatley reported that staff and the Planning Commission recommended approval of the site plan application with no conditions. The Council discussed the application with staff and the applicant.

Ben Mitchell, MMS Consultants, was present on behalf of the applicant and offered to answer questions. Council further discussed the application.

Pollock moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-07, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for Lot 2, Resubdivision of Lot 13, I-380 Industrial Park, North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson, Donahue, Pollock, Sayre; nays – none; abstain – Hoffman. Motion carried.

Parking Resolution
Heiar presented information regarding limiting parking on Ashley Court. Sayre moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-08, A Resolution approving parking control devices in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Donahue, Sayre, Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

North Liberty Cafeteria Plan
Heiar presented the amendment to the Cafeteria Plan allowing for the maximum to be contributed be the maximum set by the IRS. Council discussed the proposed amendment. Hoffman moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-09, A Resolution approving the amended Cafeteria Plan for employees in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes- Pollock, Donahue, Sayre, Hoffman, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

Mayoral Vacancy
Heiar presented information from the City Attorney. Council discussed the Mayoral vacancy. Wayson moved to Council appointment to fill the Mayoral vacancy at the February 28 Regular Council meeting with publishing as soon as possible, Hoffman seconded. After discussion, the vote was: aye – Wayson, Hoffman, Donahue; nays – Sayre, Pollock. Motion to appoint carried.

FY 18 Budget Discussion
Council is encouraged to submit questions and requested follow up information ahead of the meeting. Social service applications and capital improvements program will be discussed.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
Councilor Hoffman presented a Corridor Business Journal economic forecast luncheon update. Councilor Pollock requested that the link for the Johnson County Planning listening posts be posted.
Council discussed the passenger rail service. Councilor Wayson reported that the Emergency Management budget will be complete tomorrow night.

At 7:40 p.m., Mayor Pro Tem Donahue adjourned the meeting.



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