City Council on July 27, 2021


6:30 p.m., Regular Session, Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, July 13, 2021
    2. Claims
    3. Liquor License Renewal, Tin Roost
    4. Liquor License Renewal, Sushiya
    5. Liquor License Renewal, Rocky O’Brien’s
    6. SW Growth Area Water and Sewer Extensions, Pay Application Number 11, Boomerang Corporation, $233,609.42
    7. Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Change Order Number 1, Peterson Contractors Inc., ($4,567.65)
    8. Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Payment Application Number 2, Peterson Contractors Inc., $488,346.51
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Project Better Together
    1. Resolution Number 2021-70, A Resolution declaring that support of Better Together 2030 serves a public purpose, and approval of support
  10. 2021A Bond Sale
    1. Resolution Number 2021-71, A Resolution authorizing and approving a Loan Agreement, providing for the sale and issuance of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2021A, and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same
  11. Centennial Park Loop Road
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications, and estimate of cost
    2. Resolution Number 2021-72, A Resolution finally approving and confirming plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Centennial Park Loop Road Project
    3. Resolution Number 2021-73, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the Centennial Park Loop Drive Improvements Project, North Liberty, Iowa
  12. Cedar Springs Lighting ROW Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2021-74, A Resolution approving a Revocable License Agreement allowing the installation of additional street lighting on Cedar Springs Drive
  13. T & R Subdivision Part Two, Lot 1
    1. Resolution Number 2021-75, A Resolution approving the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement and Easement between the City of North Liberty and R. T. ST., LLC, that establishes the terms and conditions under which stormwater management facilities will be maintained for Lot 1, T & R Subdivision – Part Two in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  14. JT Properties Rezoning
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed rezoning
    2. Planning and Zoning and Staff recommendations
    3. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2021-13, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located at the southwest corner of Highway 965 and 240th Street located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the C-2A Highway Commercial District
  15. Ag Experience Ordinance
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2021-12, An Ordinance Amending portions of Chapters 167, 168, and 170 of the City of North Liberty Code of Ordinances, defining permitted agricultural and livestock uses, removing confined animal feeding operations as a permitted use, creating regulations for an agricultural experience use, modifying signage and off-street parking requirements in general, and modifying accessory uses for community food pantries
  16. Hate Crime Ordinance
    1. Discussion and possible action
  17. Old Business
  18. New Business
  19. Adjournment


City Council
July 27, 2021
Regular Session
Call to order

Mayor Terry Donahue called the July 27, 2021 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council
to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilors present: RaQuishia Harrington, Chris Hoffman, Annie Pollock,
Brent Smith, Brian Wayson; absent –none.
Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Ryan Rusnak, Tionna Pooler, and other
interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda
Pollock moved; Smith seconded to approve the agenda with the removal of the Sushiya Liquor
License renewal. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda
Harrington moved, Hoffman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council
Minutes, Regular Session of July 13, 2021, the attached list of claims, Tin Roost Liquor License
Renewal, Rocky O’Brien’s Liquor License Renewal, SW Growth Area Water and Sewer Extensions,
Pay Application Number 11, Boomerang Corporation, $233,609.42, Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Change
Order Number 1, Peterson Contractors Inc., ($4,567.65), and Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Payment
Application Number 2, Peterson Contractors Inc., $488,346.51. The vote was all ayes. Consent
Agenda approved.

Public Comment
No public comment was offered.

City Engineer Report
No City Engineer report was presented.

City Administrator Report
City Administrator Heiar reported that staff will be interviewing firms for the Comp Plan next week.
The 80 acre annexation east of the Maytag Facility has been approved by the City Development

Mayor Report
Mayor Donahue reported that he is not running for re-election next term.

Project Better Together
Harrington moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-70, A Resolution
declaring that support of Better Together 2030 serves a public purpose, and approval of support.
The vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Pollock, Smith, Wayson, Harrington; nays – none. Motion carried.

2021A Bond Sale
Tionna Pooler presented information on the bond sale. Pollock moved, Hoffman seconded to
approve Resolution Number 2021-71, A Resolution authorizing and approving a Loan Agreement,
providing for the sale and issuance of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2021A,
and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same. After discussion, the vote was: ayes –
Harrington, Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.

Centennial Park Loop Road
At 6:37 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the public hearing regarding proposed plans, specifications,
and estimate of cost for the Centennial Park Loop Road Project. No oral or written comments
were received. The public hearing was closed.
Smith moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-72, A Resolution finally
approving and confirming plans, specifications, and estimate of cost for the Centennial Park Loop
Road Project. The vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Wayson, Smith, Pollock, Harrington; nays – none.
Motion carried.
Harrington moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-73, A Resolution
accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the Centennial Park Loop Drive
Improvements Project, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Harrington, Pollock, Smith,
Hoffman, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

Cedar Springs Lighting ROW Agreement
Hoffman moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-74, A Resolution
approving a Revocable License Agreement allowing the installation of additional street lighting on
Cedar Springs Drive. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Pollock, Smith, Harrington, Hoffman; nays –
none. Motion carried.

T & R Subdivision Part Two, Lot 1
Wayson moved, Harrington seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-75, A Resolution
approving the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement and Easement between
the City of North Liberty and R. T. ST., LLC, that establishes the terms and conditions under which
stormwater management facilities will be maintained for Lot 1, T & R Subdivision – Part Two in the
City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Harrington, Smith, Hoffman, Wayson, Pollock;
nays – none. Motion carried.

JT Properties Rezoning
Rusnak presented information on the application. Rusnak reported that Planning and Zoning and
Staff recommended approval with no conditions. At 6:44 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the public
hearing regarding proposed rezoning. No oral or written comments were received. The public
hearing was closed
Smith moved, Harrington seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number
2021-13, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by
amending the use regulations on property located at the southwest corner of Highway 965 and
240th Street located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the C-2A
Highway Commercial District. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Pollock, Harrington, Hoffman,
Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.

Ag Experience Ordinance
Wayson moved, Smith seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of Ordinance
Number 2021-12, An Ordinance Amending portions of Chapters 167, 168, and 170 of the City of
North Liberty Code of Ordinances, defining permitted agricultural and livestock uses, removing
confined animal feeding operations as a permitted use, creating regulations for an agricultural
experience use, modifying signage and off-street parking requirements in general, and modifying
accessory uses for community food pantries. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Harrington, Pollock,
Smith, Hoffman; nays – none. Motion carried.

Hate Crime Ordinance
Council discussed the possibility of implementing a Hate Crime Ordinance in the City. The
consensus was to do a campaign, gather some data on incidents and then look at an ordinance.

Old Business
No old business was presented.

New Business
Councilor Wayson reported on the success of the inflatable event.

Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.



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