City Council on June 11, 2019



Regular Session
6:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, May 28, 2019
    2. Claims
    3. Liquor License Application, Iowa Craft Beer Tent, Blues and BBQ, July 9 – 13, 2019
    4. Main Street Project, Change Order Number 2, Schrader Group, $1,181.10
    5. Main Street Project, Pay Application Number 2, Schrader Group, $155,987.80
    6. Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 11, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $5,694.05
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Planner Report
  7. City Engineer Report
  8. City Attorney Report
  9. City Administrator Report
  10. Mayor Report
  11. Board and Commission Appointments
    1. Discussion and possible action on Mayor’s appointments to Boards and Commissions
  12. Tin Roost Amended Site Plan
    1. Staff and Commission recommendations
    2. Applicant presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2019-65, A Resolution approving the Revised Development Site Plan for Liberty Centre – Part One, Lot 12, North Liberty, Iowa
  13. Colony Pumpkin Patch
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding Colony Pumpkin Patch Conditional Use Permit
  14. Blues and BBQ Special Event Permit
    1. Resolution Number 2019-65, A Resolution authorizing the use of Centennial Park and City equipment for North Liberty Blues & BBQ
  15. Dog Park Property Vacation
    1. Resolution Number 2019-67, A Resolution setting a public hearing on the disposition of real estate owned by the City of North Liberty
  16. Zoning Code Ordinance Amendment
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2019-07, An Ordinance adding various sections of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances
  17. Building Code Ordinance Amendment
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-08, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, adopting the 2018 International Building Code and 2018 International Residence Code, as revised
  18. Fire Code Ordinance Amendment
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-09, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa adopting the 2018 International Fire Code, as revised
  19. Water Rate Ordinance Amendment
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed revisions to water rates
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-10, An Ordinance amending Chapter 92.02 entitled “Rates for Service,” of the Municipal Code of North Liberty by adopting a new section 92.02 to increase the charges for water used
  20. Sewer Rate Ordinance Amendment
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed revisions to sewer rates
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-11, An Ordinance amending Chapter 99.02 entitled, “Rate,” of the Municipal Code of North Liberty by adopting a new Section 99.02 to increase the charges for sanitary sewer services
  21. Old Business
  22. New Business
  23. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Pro-Tem Chris Hoffman called the June 11, 2019 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m.  Councilors present: RaQuishia Harrington, Chris Hoffman, Brent Smith, Annie Pollock; absent: Mayor Terry Donahue and Sarah Madsen.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Grant Lientz, Mary Byers, Dean Wheatley, Joe Selix, Dave Roberts, Dean and Katie Colony, supporters of the Colony Pumpkin Patch, and other interested citizens.

Approval of the Agenda.

Hoffman moved, seconded by Smith to approve the agenda.  The vote was all ayes.  Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda

Hoffman moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session, May 28, 2019; Claims; Liquor License Application, Iowa Craft Beer Tent, Blues and BBQ, July 9 – 13, 2019; Main Street Project, Change Order Number 2, Schrader Group, $1,181.10; Main Street Project, Pay Application Number 2, Schrader Group, $155,987.80; Highway 965, Phase 3, Pay Application Number 11, Streb Construction Co., Inc., $5,694.05.  The vote was all ayes.  Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment

No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report

Dean Wheatley reported he would be going to Des Moines tomorrow to attend a City Development Board Meeting for an annexation case on a property located in the Chipman Addition.

City Attorney Report

City Attorney Grant Lientz had nothing to report.

City Administrator Report

Heiar reported that paving has started at the Penn and Front Street Project.  Sight distance improvements have started at the NE corner of Penn and Stewart Street.  There is a utility conflict with the Cherry Street Sewer Project but staff has met with the utility companies in this area and are working it out.  The Main Street Project is on schedule.  The fuel tank has been removed from the Police Department site and Terracon Consultants have done the necessary reporting to the DNR and no additional monitoring will be required.  There will be a Public Hearing at the next meeting for the annual bond sale to fund projects completed last year.  The Community Visioning Project kicked off last week and the consultants are working on a Community Survey and hosting community meetings for public input.

Mayor Pro-Tem Report

Hoffman reported that CVB will have a budget meeting tomorrow, and the City will receive funding from the MPO for the bike path on North Liberty Road.

Board and Commission Appointments

Pollock moved, seconded by Harrington to appoint Josey Bathke and Jason Heistler to Planning and Zoning Commission; Ann Graziano, Derrick Parker and Marcia Ziemer to Park and Recreation Commission; Darice Baxter and Michael Burrill to Tree/Stormwater Commission; Michael Healy and Randy Langner to Library Board; Keshia Fields to Commission Advisory Board; Jeremy Ziemer to Cemetery Board, Robert Strickland to Board of Appeals.  The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Hoffman, Smith, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Tin Roost Amended Site Plan

Wheatley reported on the request and staff and Planning Commission recommend approval of the site plan amended to include an outside lawn area.

Joe Selix for Tin Roost took questions from the Council.

Pollock moved, seconded by Harrington, to approve Resolution Number 2019-65, A Resolution approving the Revised Development Site Plan for Liberty Centre – Part One, Lot 12,  North Liberty, Iowa.  The vote was: ayes—Smith, Hoffman, Pollock, Harrington; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Colony Pumpkin Patch

Heiar reported that North Liberty has a Fringe Area Agreement with the County for properties within a two mile radius of North Liberty. The Colony Pumpkin Patch has applied for a Condition Use Permit for their property which is located within this radius, and staff has prepared a report that allows the application in a manner similar to cases that are within the corporate limits.

Several people were at the meeting in support of the application.

Pollock moved, seconded by Hoffman, to recommend to Johnson County Board of Adjustment approval of the Conditional Use Permit.  After discussion, the vote was:  Pollock, Harrington, Hoffman, Smith; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Blues and BBQ Special Event Permit

Smith moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve Resolution Number 2019-65, A Resolution authorizing the use of Centennial Park and City equipment for North Liberty Blues & BBQ.  The vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Smith, Harrington, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Dog Park Property Vacation

Pollock moved, seconded by Smith, to approve Resolution Number 2019-67, A Resolution setting a public hearing on the disposition of real estate owned by the City of North Liberty.  The vote was: ayes—Harrington, Pollock, Smith, Hoffman; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Zoning Code Ordinance Amendment

Pollock moved, seconded by Smith, to approve Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2019-07, An Ordinance adding various sections of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances.  The vote was: ayes—Smith, Hoffman, Pollock, Harrington; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Building Code Ordinance Amendment

Hoffman moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-08, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, adopting the 2018 International Building Code and 2018 International Residence Code, as revised.  The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Smith, Hoffman, Harrington; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Fire Code Ordinance Amendment

Pollock moved, seconded by Smith, to approve the Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-09, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa adopting the 2018 International Fire Code, as revised.  The vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Smith, Harrington, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Water Rate Ordinance Amendment.

The Public Hearing was opened at 7:16 p.m. and there were no comments and the Public Hearing was closed.

Hoffman moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve the First consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-10, An Ordinance amending Chapter 92.02 entitled “Rates for Service,” of the Municipal Code of North Liberty by adopting a new section 92.02 to increase the charges for water used. After discussion: the vote was: ayes—Hoffman, Harrington, Pollock; nays—Smith; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried

Sewer Rate Ordinance Amendment

The Public Hearing was open at 7:32 p.m. and there were no comments from the public and the Public Hearing was closed.

Pollock moved, seconded by Hoffman, to approve the First consideration of Ordinance Number 2019-11, An Ordinance amending Chapter 99.02 entitled, “Rates for Service,” of the Municipal Code of North Liberty by adopting a new Section 99.02 to increase the charges for sanitary sewer services.  The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Harrington, Hoffman; nays—Smith; absent—Madsen.  Motion carried.

Old Business

Pollock noted that applications are due for the Chamber Leadership Program.

New Business

Pollock reported on the Community Visioning Project meeting that met this week and encourage the public to get involved.


At 7:40 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Hoffman adjourned the meeting.



Packet Mayor's recommendations for appointment
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