City Council on March 14, 2017


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, February 28, 2017
    2. Claims
    3. Liquor License Renewal, Quail Creek Golf Course, Class B Beer with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales endorsements
    4. Phase II WWTP Improvements, Pay Application Number 18, Tricon Construction Group, $332,952.49
    5. Phase II WWTP Improvements, Change Order Number 11, Tricon Construction Group, $13,386.83
    6. SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project, Pay Application Number 6, Metro Pavers, Inc., $175,433.03
    7. Phase I Water System Improvements Division II, Pay Application Number 3, Gingerich Well & Pump Service, $483,700.10
    8. Phase I Water System Improvements Division I, Change Order Number 2, Portzen Construction, Inc., $24,352.00
    9. North Liberty Road Improvements Project, Pay Application Number 1, Metro Pavers, Inc., $6,175.00
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Planner Report
  7. City Engineer Report
  8. City Attorney Report
  9. City Administrator Report
  10. Mayor Report
  11. Fire Department Report
    1. Don Cox presentation
    2. Discussion and possible action on the report
  12. Social Service Grant Applications
    1. Discussion and possible action on social service grant applications
  13. Linn County REC Site Plan
    1. Staff and Commission recommendations
    2. Applicant presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2017-19, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for Linn County REC, North Liberty, Iowa
  14. Police Station
    1. Discussion and possible action on the proposed project timeline for the construction of a new police station
  15. 2017 Borrowing
    1. Resolution Number 2017-20, A Resolution approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 General Obligation Financing
    2. Resolution Number 2017-21, A Resolution Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money thereunder in a Principal Amount not to Exceed $4,700,000
    3. Resolution Number 2017-22, A Resolution approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 General Obligation Urban Renewal Financing
    4. Resolution Number 2017-23, A Resolution Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal Improvement and Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money thereunder in a Principal Amount not to Exceed $8,100,000
    5. Resolution Number 2017-25, A Resolution Fixing a Date for a Public Hearing on a Proposal to Enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money Thereunder in a Principal Amount not to Exceed $1,250,000
  16. North Liberty Road Project
    1. Resolution Number 2017-26, Approving 28E Project Agreement between Johnson County, Iowa and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the North Liberty Road Improvements Phase 2 Project and annexation or severance of certain property
  17. Penn Street Project
    1. Resolution Number 2017-27, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the contract for the Penn Street Improvements 2017 Project, STP-U-5557(620)—70—52, North Liberty, Iowa
  18. Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility
    1. Public Hearing regarding plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project
    2. Resolution Number 2017-28, A Resolution approving and confirming plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project
  19. Special Election and Council Vacancy
    1. Discussion and possible action to set a date for a special election and regarding the Council vacancy
  20. Old Business
  21. New Business
  22. Adjournment


Call to order
Mayor Terry Donahue called the March 14, 2017 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Council members present: Chris Hoffman (via phone), Annie Pollock, Jim Sayre and Brian Wayson.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Scott Peterson, Mary Byers, Dean Wheatley, Don Cox, Bill Schmooke, Dennis Tallman, Diane Venenga, Kristie Fortmann-Doser, Galen Main, Susan Gray, Devon Inman, Debbie Yarrow, Todd Van Eresvelde other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda
Pollock moved, seconded by Sayre to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda
Wayson moved, seconded by Sayre to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes, Regular Session, February 28, 2017; the attached list of Claims; Liquor License Renewal, Quail Creek Golf Course, Class B Beer with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales endorsements; Phase II WWTP Improvements, Pay Application Number 18, Tricon Construction Group, $332,952.49; Phase II WWTP Improvements, Change Order Number 11, Tricon Construction Group, $13,386.83; SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project, Pay Application Number 6, Metro Pavers, Inc., $175,433.03; Phase I Water System Improvements Division II, Pay Application Number 3, Gingerich Well & Pump Service, $483,700.10; Phase I Water System Improvements Division I, Change Order Number 2, Portzen Construction, Inc., $24,352.00; North Liberty Road Improvements Project, Pay Application Number 1, Metro Pavers, Inc., $6,175.00. The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment
No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report
Wheatley reported on the new transit system and there were only six trips provide in February. Donahue announced that transit will be discussed at the March 28th council meeting.

City Engineer Report
Heiar reported in Trom’s absence. There was an open house for adjacent property owners’ last Thursday on the North Liberty Road Project. There will be an Open House Meeting at the Library on March 29th at 4:30 p.m. for all the 2017 projects. Information on this meeting is on the City’s website. The well project had some equipment problems which has delayed progress somewhat, but should be up running again soon. Tree removal on North Liberty Road should be completed by April 1, 2017.

City Attorney Report
Peterson reported on a company named Mobilitie that is currently in Des Moines before the Legislature to try to take local control of right-of-ways from cities. Peterson will get reports out to the City Council and keep them advised of the situation. The 28E Agreement for the North Liberty Road Project will be considered at the March 23, 2017 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Peterson gave an update on the Weinman lawsuits.

City Administrator Report
Heiar reported to the Council that there is a lot going on and the next agenda will be full.

Mayor Report
Donahue gave a Legislative update.

Fire Department Report
Don Cox presented the study of the City North Liberty Fire Department Organizational Structure Relative to Services Provided Report that was completed in December, and took questions from the Council. Mayor and Council thanked Bill Schmooke, from the Fire Department, for is assistance.

Social Service Grant Applications
North Liberty City Council has allocated funds in the FY2018 Budget for social service programs and projects. The following have requested funds:
North Liberty Family Resource Center $18,652.00
Domestic Violence Intervention Program $ 5,000.00
Four Oaks $ 3,000.00
4C’s Community Coordinated Child Care $ 2,225.00
Elder Services $10,000.00
Any Given Child $ 2,000.00

Sayre moved, seconded by Wayson to approve Domestic Violence Intervention Program $5,000.00; Four Oaks $3,000.00; 4C’s Community Coordinated Child Care $2,225.00; Elder Services $10,000.00; and Any Given Child $2,000.00. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Sayre, Pollock, Wayson, Hoffman; nays—none. Motion carried.

It was the consensus of the Council not to give North Liberty Family Resource Center any additional funds above the funds in the yearly budget.

Linn County REC Site Plan
Wheatley reported on the request to relocate the substation located on 240th Street owned by Linn County REC. Staff and Planning Commission has recommended approval of the Site Plan.

Todd Van Eresvelde from Linn County REC addressed the Council on the application and was there to answer questions. He mentioned that construction is several years away.

Pollock moved, seconded by Wayson to approve Resolution Number 2017-19, A Resolution approving the Development Site Plan for Linn County REC, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes: Hoffman, Pollock, Sayre, Wayson. Motion carried.

Hoffman left the meeting via phone.

Police Station
Heiar gave a brief history on the current Police Department Building and its serious deficiencies. Included in the Council packet was a proposed project schedule for the design and construction. The consensus of the Council was to use the proposed timeline prepared by staff as a guide to move ahead with the project and to hold a work session in the near future to review the proposed City Complex with emphasis on the Police Station.

2017 Borrowing
Sayre moved, seconded by Pollock to approve Resolution Number 2017-20, A Resolution Approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 General Obligation Financing. The vote was: ayes- Sayre, Wayson, Pollock; nays-none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

Pollock moved, seconded by Wayson to approve Resolution Number 2017-21, A Resolution Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money Thereunder in a Principal Amount not to Exceed $4,700,000. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Wayson, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

Wayson, moved, seconded by Pollock to approve Resolution Number 2017-22, A Resolution approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 General Obligation Urban Renewal Financing. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Sayre, Wayson; nays—none; absent-Hoffman. Motion carried.

Sayre moved, seconded by Pollock to approve Resolution Number 2017-23, A Resolution Setting the Date for a Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal Improvement and Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money thereunder in a Principal Amount not to Exceed $8,100,000. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Sayre, Wayson; nays—none; absent–Hoffman

Pollock moved, seconded by Wayson to approve Resolution Number 2017-25, A Resolution Fixing a Date for a Public Hearing on a Proposal to enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement and to Borrow Money Thereunder in a Principal Amount not to exceed $1,250,000. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Wayson, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

North Liberty Road Project
Wayson moved, seconded by Sayre to approve Resolution Number 2017-26, approving a 28E Project Agreement between Johnson County, Iowa and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the North Liberty Road Improvements Phase 2 Project and annexation or severance of certain property. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Sayre, Wayson, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

Penn Street Project
Wayson moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve Resolution Number 2017-27, A Resolution Accepting the Bid and Authorizing Execution of the Contract for the Penn Street Improvements 2017 Project, STP-U-5557(620)—70—52, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes—Sayre, Wayson, Pollock; nays—none; absent—Hoffman.

Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility
Public Hearing regarding plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project.

Public hearing was opened at 8:07, there were no comments, and the hearing was closed.

Pollock moved, seconded by Sayre to approve Resolution Number 2017-28, A Resolution approving and confirming plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Sayre, Wayson; nays—none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

Special Election and Council Vacancy
Peterson addressed the Council on options for the Mayoral Election and the City Council vacancy. Peterson had discussions with the Johnson County Auditor with dates and times that would work for the election process and April 25th would be a date that would work the best for them.

Sayre moved to have both Mayoral Election and City Council vacancy on the ballot at the same time on April 25, 2017. There was discussion between the Council and the motion died for lack of a second.

Wayson moved, seconded by Pollock, to approve an April 25, 2017 election date for the Mayor position. The vote was: ayes—Pollock, Wayson, Sayre; nays—none; absent—Hoffman. Motion carried.

Wayson moved, seconded by Sayre, to have a Special Election for the vacant Council Seat. After discussion, the vote was: ayes—Sayre; nays—Pollock, Wayson; absent—Hoffman. Motion failed.

It was the consensus of the Council to have City staff arrange a special meeting as soon as possible to have discussion and action with all City Council Members on the Council vacancy.

Old Business
Peterson wanted to add to his report and explained how working in the right-of-way works now. The company typically meets with City officials and explains the type of work that is to be done, and are bonded for any damage. The current bill before the Legislature would disallow cities ability to control the process and severely limit cities authority to control the number or types of poles placed on City property.

Pollock thanked the Library and Mercy Hospital for the Lactation Room

New Business
Sayre welcomed Michael Wolfe as the new Stormwater Coordinator.

At 8:30 p.m., the Mayor adjourned the meeting.



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