City Council on March 28, 2017


  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, March 14, 2017
    2. City Council Minutes, Special Session, March 16, 2017
    3. Claims
    4. February Revenues
    5. Liquor License Renewal, Blue Bird Café, Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales endorsements
    6. Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements, Change Order Number 12, Tricon Construction Group, $34,477.33
    7. Phase I Water System Improvements – Division I Water Treatment Plant, Pay App Number 5r1, Portzen Construction, $42,850.73
    8. SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project, Change Order No. 2, Metro Pavers, Inc., $242.08
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Planner Report
  7. City Engineer Report
  8. City Attorney Report
  9. Assistant City Administrator Report
  10. City Administrator Report
  11. Mayor Report
  12. ICAD Presentation
    1. Discussion regarding ICAD presentation
  13. Crisis Intervention Team Presentation
    1. Discussion regarding CIT presentation
  14. Azul Tequila Liquor License
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding Liquor License Renewal Application
  15. Harvest Estates Developer’s Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2017-29, A Resolution approving the Developer’s Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Glynmor, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which Harvest Estates II Part Four will be developed in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  16. 2017 Borrowing
    1. Resolution Number 2017-24, A Resolution approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 Water Revenue Financing
    2. Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement
    3. Resolution Number 2017-30, A Resolution taking additional action on General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement, setting date for the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds, Series 2017A, authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith
    4. Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Loan Agreement
    5. Resolution Number 2017-31, A Resolution taking additional action to enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Loan Agreement, setting the date for the sale of General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Bonds, Series 2017B and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith
    6. Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement
    7. Resolution Number 2017-32, A Resolution taking additional action to enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement, setting the date for the sale of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2017C and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith
  17. Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility
    1. Resolution Number 2017-33, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the Contract for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project, North Liberty, Iowa
  18. Ranshaw House Project
    1. Resolution Number 2017-34, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Ranshaw House Project
  19. I-380/Forevergreen Road Project Agreements
    1. Resolution Number 2017-35, A Resolution approving the Right of Way Agreement for Primary Road Project between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project (Agreement No. 2017-1-145)
    2. Resolution Number 2017-36, A Resolution approving the Right of Way Agreement for Primary Road Project between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project (Agreement No. U-2017-FGR-Easements)
    3. Resolution Number 2017-37, A Resolution approving the Easement Purchase Reimbursement Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative, Midamerican Energy Company, South Slope Cooperative Communications, Mediacom, Qwest Corporation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project
  20. North Liberty Bus Service
    1. Discussion regarding North Liberty Bus Service
  21. Fireworks Bill SF489
    1. Discussion regarding Fireworks Bill SF 489
  22. Old Business
  23. New Business
  24. Adjournment


Call to order
Mayor Terry Donahue called the March 28, 2017 Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilors present: Chris Hoffman, Annie Pollock, and Brian Wayson; absent: Jim Sayre.

Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Scott Peterson, Kevin Trom, Dean Wheatley, Megan Benischek, Kate Moreland, Mark Nolte, Jessica Peckover, Dr. Rick Dobyns, Lance Clemsen, Ron Berg, Levi Kannedy and other interested parties.

Approval of the Agenda
Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.

Consent Agenda
Pollock moved, Hoffman seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including City Council Minutes from the Regular Session on March 14, 2017; City Council Minutes from the Special Session on March 16, 2017; the attached list of Claims; February Revenues; the Liquor License Renewal for Blue Bird Café, Class C Liquor License with Outdoor Service and Sunday Sales endorsements; Change Order Number 12 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II Improvements Project to Tricon Construction Group in the amount of $34,477.33; Pay App Number 5r1 for the Phase I Water System Improvements Project – Division I Water Treatment Plant to Portzen Construction in the amount of $42,850.73; Change Order No. 2 for the SRF Sponsored Water Quality Project to Metro Pavers, Inc. in the amount of $242.08. After discussion, the vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.

Public Comment
No public comment was offered.

City Planner Report
City Planner Dean Wheatley had no report tonight.

City Engineer Report
City Engineer Kevin Trom reported that the public information meeting for the Forevergreen Road utilities project. Shive-Hattery is assisting IDOT with utility coordination. Trom presented rough schedules for the IDOT improvements. Grading work will happen this year. The ramps will be constructed in the summer of 2018. Improvements on Forevergreen Road from Kansas to Covered Bridge Road will be let in July with construction starting in 2018. Forevergreen Road from Covered Bridge Road to Jones Boulevard 80% complete plans are due March 2018, let Summer 2018 and built 2019.

Gingerich had equipment issues with the well project and had to pull off of the job for a while. The preconstruction meeting for the raw water main project was held last week. The contractor plans to start work at the beginning of summer.

The Highway 965, Phase 3 Project survey work has started and should be completed by the end of the week. The design kickoff for the project will be held on Friday.

Tricon is about 88.5% complete with the Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion.

The contractor for the North Liberty Road Phase 2 Project has completed the tree clearing. After the utilities are moved, grading will begin. The community meeting regarding the project was well attended.

The Penn Street contract has been awarded. The preconstruction meeting is scheduled for next week.

The Water Storage & Maintenance and Brine Building award is on the agenda tonight.

The Centennial Park SRF Sponsored Project permeable pavers are almost complete. The final grade and seed will be done when the ground is dry enough. Two thirds of the light pole bases are installed. The concrete work should be complete in the next two weeks.

Council discussed the report with Trom.

City Attorney Report
City Attorney Scott Peterson had no report but reminded Council that resolutions require three affirmative votes to pass.

Assistant City Administrator Report
Assistant City Administrator Tracey Mulcahey reported the interviews for the Summer Lunch Coordinator are underway. Five windows at the Ranshaw House were recently shot out with a bb gun. Council discussed the report with Mulcahey.

City Administrator Report
City Administrator Ryan Heiar reported that the INDR requirement for identifying alternative water supplies should be on the next agenda. Heiar reported on the rating call with Moody’s for the upcoming bond sales. He provided an update on the bond sales. The project open house is scheduled for March 29 at the library. Council discussed the report with Heiar.

Mayor Report
Mayor Terry Donahue reported that he is tracking legislation. He reported on HF603, the eminent domain bill and SF399, voter elections. The MPOJC meeting is at North Liberty Council Chambers tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Highway 965, Phase 5 received the most points. Discussion on funding will occur tomorrow night.

ICAD Presentation
Mark Nolte and Kate Moreland from ICAD presented the annual ICAD update.

Councilor Sayre arrived at 7:00 p.m.

Council discussed the ICAD presentation with Nolte and Moreland.

Crisis Intervention Training Presentation
Dr. Rick Dobyns, Lance Clemsen, Jessica Peckover, Ron Berg, and Levi Kannedy presented information regarding the proposed Johnson County Crisis Intervention Training program.

Council discussed the CIT presentation. Mayor Donahue will represent the City on the board.

Azul Tequila Liquor License
Heiar presented information regarding the Azul Tequila liquor license application.

Hoffman moved, Sayre seconded to not approve Azul Tequila’s Liquor License application. After discussion, the vote was all ayes. License denied.

Harvest Estates Developer’s Agreement
Heiar presented information regarding the proposed developer’s agreement for Harvest Estates II Part Four.

Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-29, A Resolution approving the Developer’s Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Glynmor, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which Harvest Estates II Part Four will be developed in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Pollock, Hoffman, Sayre, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

2017 Borrowing
Hoffman moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-24, A Resolution approving the Engagement Letter between the City of North Liberty and Dorsey & Whitney LLP regarding bond counsel services for the 2017 Water Revenue Financing. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Sayre, Hoffman, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

At 8:02 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the Public Hearing on Proposal to enter into a General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed.

Pollock moved, Sayre seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-30, A Resolution taking additional action on General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Loan Agreement, setting date for the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose and Refunding Bonds, Series 2017A, authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith. The vote was: ayes – Sayre, Pollock, Wayson, Hoffman; nays – none. Motion carried.

At 8:03 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the Public Hearing on Proposal to enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Loan Agreement. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed.

Pollock moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-31, A Resolution taking additional action to enter into a General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Loan Agreement, setting the date for the sale of General Obligation Urban Renewal and Refunding Bonds, Series 2017B and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith. The vote was: ayes- Sayre, Pollock, Hoffman, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

At 8:04 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened the Public Hearing on Proposal to Enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement. No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed.

Wayson moved, Pollock seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-32, A Resolution taking additional action to enter into a Water Revenue Refunding Loan Agreement, setting the date for the sale of Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2017C and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith. The vote was: ayes – Pollock, Hoffman, Sayre, Wayson; nays – none. Motion carried.

Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility
Heiar presented information regarding the bids received. Council discussed the bids received and the engineer’s estimate.

Hoffman moved, Sayre seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-33, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the Contract for the Brine Production and Water Equipment and Maintenance Facility Project, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Sayre, Hoffman, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Ranshaw House Project
Mulcahey presented information on the design agreement. Council discussed the agreement with Trom. Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-34, A Resolution approving the Services Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Shive-Hattery, Inc. for the Ranshaw House Project. After discussion, the vote was: ayes -Hoffman, Pollock, Wayson; nays – Sayre. Motion carried.

I-380/Forevergreen Road Project Agreements
Peterson presented information on the agreements regarding the Interstate 380/Forevergreen Road Project. Council discussed the agreements.

Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-35, A Resolution approving the Right of Way Agreement for Primary Road Project between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project (Agreement No. 2017-1-145). The vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Sayre, Wayson, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

Hoffman moved, Sayre seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-36, A Resolution approving the Right of Way Agreement for Primary Road Project between the Iowa Department of Transportation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project (Agreement No. U-2017-FGR-Easements). Hoffman moved, Sayre seconded to amend paragraph 2.b striking the last two sentences. After discussion, the vote on the amendment was: ayes – Pollock, Wayson, Hoffman, Sayre; nays – none. Motion carried. The vote on the resolution was: ayes – Pollock, Wayson, Hoffman, Sayre; nays – none. Motion carried.

Wayson moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 2017-37, A Resolution approving the Easement Purchase Reimbursement Agreement between Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative, Midamerican Energy Company, South Slope Cooperative Communications, Mediacom, Qwest Corporation and the City of North Liberty, Iowa regarding the I-380 and Forevergreen Road Interchange Project. The vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Wayson, Sayre, Pollock; nays – none. Motion carried.

North Liberty Bus Service
Council discussed what the Transit Committee should determine. Items for discussion include:
• How to expand usage of the system and increase ridership.
• Deliver a service that increases ridership at a more reasonable cost.
• Linking into another system – i.e. providing service to Oakdale.
• Consider a SEATs midday loop to get users to Coralville to get connected into the system.
• Other options for transit other than this. Is the need truly there?
• What can be done to provide the service outside of the city to get riders with no increase in costs?
• Is there a need to make any requests for more members on the Committee?

Fireworks Bill SF489
Council discussed the proposed Fireworks Bill SF489 and whether the City would disallow the selling and or use of fireworks. Consensus was to hold on it.

Old Business
Councilor Pollock requested adding a monitor on the podium.

New Business
Councilor Wayson reported that EMA is hiring a Deputy Coordinator. They hope to have position filled in a few weeks. Tomorrow is Severe Weather Day barring poor weather conditions. Councilor Hoffman reported that the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau has converted to a Destination Marketing Organization.

At 8:41 p.m., Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting



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