City Council on May 11, 2021


6:30 p.m., Regular Session

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty public meetings to be held electronically so as to limit the spread of the virus. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].

This meeting may be accessed live by the public on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at You can also attend by phone; call 1 (312) 626 6799 with a touch-tone phone and enter the meeting ID 899 9025 9268 and meeting password 474610478. Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, April 27, 2021
    2. Claims
    3. Aquatic Center HVAC Replacement, Change Order Number 2, Apex Construction Company, $47,307.63
  5. City Engineer Report
  6. City Administrator Report
  7. Mayor Report
    1. Bicycle Month and Bike to Work Week Proclamation
    2. World Neurofibromatosis Awareness Day Proclamation
    3. Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Proclamation
  8. Outreach and Equity Coordinator Position
    1. Presentation, discussion and possible action on the position
  9. FY 22 Social Service Grants
    1. Resolution Number 2021-37, A Resolution affirming Social Service Grant Allocations for Fiscal Year 2021-22
  10. Franchise Fees
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2021-05, An Ordinance amending the MidAmerican Energy Company, Interstate Power and Light Company, and Linn County Rural Electric Cooperative Franchise Agreements to adjust Franchise Fees
  11. Livestock Ordinance
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2021-06, An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Liberty, Iowa, updating portions of the Animal Control Code concerning livestock within city limits
  12. Greenbelt Trail Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2021-07, An Ordinance amending Chapter 167 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances by amending the use regulations on property located on the west side of North Liberty Road approximately 700 feet north of Salm Drive located in North Liberty, Iowa to those set forth in the Municipal Code for the RD-10 Two-Unit Residence District
  13. Alcohol in Public Places
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2021-08, An Ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances to allow the consumption and sale of alcohol in authorized public areas
  14. Dubuque Street Phase 1 Project
    1. Resolution Number 2021-38, A Resolution authorizing Relocation Assistance and Reimbursement Procedures for Nonresidential Tenants displaced by the Acquisition of certain properties for the Dubuque Street Phase 1 Improvement Project
  15. Ranshaw Way Phase 5 Project
    1. Resolution Number 2021-39, A Resolution accepting the bid and authorizing execution of the Contract for the Ranshaw Way Phase 5 Improvements Project, North Liberty, Iowa
    2. Resolution Number 2021-40, A Resolution approving a special speed limit specifically for a segment of Ranshaw Way in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  16. Storm Siren Grant
    1. Resolution Number 2021-41, A Resolution approving the Subaward Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
  17. Lease Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2021-42, A Resolution approving the Lease Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Epley Properties, LLC
  18. Old Business
  19. New Business
  20. Adjournment



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