City Council on May 14, 2024


May 14, 2024, 6:30 p.m., Regular Session

Council Chambers, 360 N Main St

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, April 23, 2024
    2. Liquor License Application, Paradise Indian Grill
    3. Liquor License Application, Mexico Lindo
    4. West Penn Street Improvements Project, Peterson Contractors, Inc., Pay Application Number 1, $106,397.25
    5. Claims
  5. Public Comment
  6. Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
  9. Council Reports
  10. FY 25 Budget
    1. Public Hearing
    2. Resolution Number 2024-46, A Resolution adopting the Annual Budget and Capital Improvements Plan for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2025 for the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  11. Lot 1 Water Tower Place Site Plan
    1. Staff and Commission Recommendations
    2. Applicant Presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2024-47, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Site Plan for Lot 1 Water Tower Place, North Liberty, Iowa
  12. Solomon’s Landing – Part Five Preliminary Plat
    1. Staff and Commission Recommendations
    2. Applicant Presentation
    3. Resolution Number 2024-48, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Solomons Landing – Part Five, North Liberty, Iowa
  13. North Liberty Community Pantry
    1. Resolution Number 2024-49, A Resolution approving the Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the North Liberty Community Pantry
  14. Recreation Fees
    1. Resolution Number 2024-50, A Resolution approving the Recreation Fee Structure
  15. TL&L Easement Agreement
    1. Resolution 2024-51, A Resolution approving the acquisition of a Permanent Utility Easement for the Forevergreen Road Signalization Project
  16. Saratoga Place
    1. Resolution Number 2024-52, A Resolution accepting public improvements for and dedication of Saratoga Place, in Solomon’s Landing Part One in North Liberty, Iowa
  17. Assessment Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2024-53, A Resolution assessing amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes
  18. 2024A Bond Sale
    1. Resolution Number 2024-54, A Resolution setting the date for public hearings on proposals to enter into General Obligation Loan Agreements
    2. Resolution Number 2024-55, A Resolution to Approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the North Liberty Urban Renewal Area
  19. North Ridge Part Four Rezoning
    1. Second consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-03, First Consideration of an Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District Designation for Certain Property located in North Liberty, Iowa from ID Interim Development District to RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District
  20. Old Business
  21. New Business
  22. Adjournment


Call to order 

Mayor Hoffman called the May 14, 2024, Regular Session of the North Liberty City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers at 360 N. Main Street. Councilors present:  Brian Leibold, Erek Sittig, Paul Park, Brent Smith, and Brian Wayson.


Others present: Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Josiah Bilskemper, Patty Walden, Dr. Michael Fletcher and other interested parties.


Approval of the Agenda

Sittig moved; Wayson seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.


Consent Agenda

Sittig moved, Park seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council Minutes, Regular Session, April 23, 2024; Liquor License Application, Paradise Indian Grill; Liquor License Application, Mexico Lindo; West Penn Street Improvements Project, Peterson Contractors, Inc., Pay Application Number 1, $106,397.25; and the attached list of Claims.  The vote was all ayes. Consent Agenda approved.


Public Comment

Patty Walden and Dr. Michael Fletcher, Board Members from CommUnity, asked for continued support of CommUnity Crisis Services.


City Engineer Report

City Engineer Bilskemper reported on the City Hall Project, the Penn Meadows Park Parking Lot Project, the Street Maintenance Facility Interior Remodel Project, the West Penn Street Project and the North Liberty Road Trail Project.


City Administrator Report

Assistant City Administrator Mulcahey reported that starting in June, City Council meetings will be moving to a 6 p.m. start.  Mike Keating, Water Department, is retiring after many years with the City on May 24.


Mayor Report

Mayor Hoffman had no report.


Council Reports

Councilor Leibold attended Coffee Connection, Lunch Connection, and the Big O Golf outing.  He congratulated Iowa and Kirkwood graduates.  He congratulated Lisa Bluder and Jan Jensen on their next chapters.  Councilor Wayson attended the EMA meeting. He recognized this is National Police Week. Councilor Smith spoke at the Community Relations Lunch. He thanked the Community Relations team for talking points. He attended the Skelly Golf Outing.  He was on the installation team for the Herkys.  Councilor Sittig attended the Community Connection Lunch and the   Better Together 2030 event relating to transportation and pop-up rail opportunity.  Councilor Park is looking forward to the Food Pantry Golf Outing.


FY 25 Budget

Mayor Hoffman opened the public hearing regarding the proposed FY 25 Annual Budget at 6:44 p.m.  No oral or written comments were received. The public hearing was closed at 6:44 p.m.

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-46, A Resolution adopting the Annual Budget and Capital Improvements Plan for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2025, for the City of North Liberty, Iowa.  The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Park, Leibold, Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.


Lot 1 Water Tower Place Site Plan

Bilskemper reported that staff and commission recommend approval of the proposed site plan.

No applicant was present.

Park moved, Smith seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-47, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Site Plan for Lot 1 Water Tower Place, North Liberty, Iowa.  The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Park, Wayson, Leibold, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.


Solomon’s Landing – Part Five Preliminary Plat

Bilskemper reported that staff and commission recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat.

No applicant was present.

Smith moved, Leibold seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-48, A Resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Solomons Landing – Part Five, North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Park, Sittig, Leibold, Wayson, Smith; nays – none. Motion carried.


North Liberty Community Pantry

Wayson moved, Park seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-49, A Resolution approving the Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the North Liberty Community Pantry. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Park, Smith, Wayson, Leibold; nays – none; abstain – Sittig. Motion carried.


Recreation Fees

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-50, A Resolution approving the Recreation Fee Structure. After discussion, the vote was ayes – Smith, Sittig, Leibold, Wayson, Park; nays – none. Motion carried.


TL&L Easement Agreement

Sittig moved, Park seconded to approve Resolution 2024-51, A Resolution approving the acquisition of a Permanent Utility Easement for the Forevergreen Road Signalization Project.  The vote was: ayes – Smith, Wayson, Park, Sittig, Leibold; nays – none. Motion carried.


Saratoga Place

Park moved, Sittig seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-52, A Resolution accepting public improvements for and dedication of Saratoga Place, in Solomon’s Landing Part One in North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Smith, Sittig, Wayson, Park, Leibold; nays – none. Motion carried.


Assessment Resolution

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-53, A Resolution assessing amounts owed to the City of North Liberty, Iowa to individual property taxes. The vote was: ayes – Park, Smith, Leibold, Wayson, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.


2024A Bond Sale

Sittig moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-54, A Resolution setting the date for public hearings on proposals to enter into General Obligation Loan Agreements. The vote was: ayes – Wayson, Leibold, Smith, Park, Sittig; nays – none. Motion carried.

Wayson moved, Park seconded to approve Resolution Number 2024-55, A Resolution to Approve Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the North Liberty Urban Renewal Area.  The vote was: ayes – Sittig, Wayson, Smith, Park, Leibold; nays – none. Motion carried.


North Ridge Part Four Rezoning

Wayson moved, Sittig seconded to approve the second consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-03, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District Designation for Certain Property located in North Liberty, Iowa from ID Interim Development District to RS-4 Single-Unit Residence District. The vote was: ayes – Leibold, Wayson, Smith, Sittig, Park; nays – none. Motion carried.


Old Business

Councilor Wayson reported that the Flock system was used by Indianola to find an elderly missing person.


New Business

Councilor Smith acknowledged the long-term leadership of Mayor.  He is excited for staff who have waited a long time for nice space.



Park moved; Wayson seconded to adjourn at 6:59 p.m. The vote was all ayes. Meeting adjourned.



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