City Council on October 22, 2024


6:00 p.m. Regular Session

Council Chambers, 360 N. Main Street

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, October 8, 2024
    2. Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Pay Application Number 30, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $27,673.08
    3. Centennial Park Event Complex, Pay Application Number 2, Larson Construction Co., Inc., $294,713.07
    4. Centennial Park Event Complex, Change Order Number 1, Larson Construction Co., Inc., $9,705.52
    5. Penn Street Railroad Crossing Project, Pay Application Number 3, Midwest Concrete, Inc., $9,592.17
  5. West Penn Street Project, Pay Application Number 6, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $19,669.75
  6. West Penn Street Project, Change Order Number 2, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $28,975.77
    1. Claims
  7. Public Comment
  8. Engineer Report
  9. City Administrator Report
  10. Mayor Report
  11. Council Reports
  12. Immigrant Welcome Network of Johnson County
    1. Presentation and discussion with Mazahir Salih
  13. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
    1. Discussion and possible action regarding the remaining unallocated ARPA funds.
  14. Hodge Construction Company Rezoning
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed rezoning
    2. Staff and Planning Commission Recommendations
    3. Applicant Presentation
    4. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-10, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-21 Multi-Unit Residence District to C-3 Higher-Intensity Commercial District
  15. North Jones LLC Rezoning
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed rezoning
    2. Staff and Planning Commission Recommendations
    3. Applicant Presentation
    4. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2024-11, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Map District designation for certain property located in North Liberty, Iowa from RM-8 Multi-Unit Residence District to RM-8 Multi-Unit Residence District
  16. North Liberty Road Trail Project
    1. Resolution Number 2024-99, A Resolution approving the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between Scanlon Family LLC and the City of North Liberty
    2. Resolution Number 2024-100, A Resolution approving the Temporary Construction Easement Agreement between Life Church Assembly of God and the City of North Liberty
  17. 2024 Bond Sale
    1. Resolution Number 2024-101, A Resolution setting the date for sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2024A and authorizing the use of a preliminary official statement in connection therewith
  18. CDBG-CV
    1. Resolution Number 2024-102, A Resolution approving the policies required by the Community Development Block Grant CV Program for the purchase of fresh food for the North Liberty Community Pantry
  19. Parking Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2024-103, A Resolution Approving Parking Control Devices in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
  20. Code of Ordinances Amendments
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2024-09, An Ordinance amending the Zoning Code and Subdivision Ordinance regulations for Preliminary Site Plans, Zoning Certificates, Defined terms, Residential Density, Permitted Uses and Use Standards, Parking Requirements, Parking Lot Landscaping, Fences and Walls, Yard Encroachments, Design Standards and Required Improvements for Subdivisions
  21. Old Business
  22. New Business
  23. Adjournment



Information Packet Preliminary Official Statement for Bond Sale
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