City Council on September 28, 2021


6:30 p.m. Regular Session, Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle

This meeting may be accessed live by the public in person or on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at northliberty. Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on

  1. Call to order
  2. Roll call
  3. Approval of the Agenda
  4. Consent Agenda
    1. City Council Minutes, Regular Session, September 14, 2021
    2. Claims
    3. Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Change Order Number 3, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $21,353.99
    4. Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Pay Application Number 4, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $1,224,997.39
  5. Public Comment
  6. City Engineer Report
  7. City Administrator Report
  8. Mayor Report
    1. Careers in Construction Proclamation
    2. Domestic Violence Awareness Month
  9. Reimbursement Resolution
    1. Resolution Number 2021-93, A Resolution relating to the financing of certain proposed projects to be undertaken by the City of North Liberty, Iowa; establishing compliance with Reimbursement Bond Regulations under the Internal Revenue Code
  10. Vintage Estates
    1. Resolution Number 2021-94, A Resolution approving the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement and Easement between the City of North Liberty and Harvest Investments, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which stormwater management facilities will be maintained for Vintage Estates Planned Area Development in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
    2. Resolution Number 2021-95, A Resolution approving the Public Access and Utility Inspection Agreement between the City of North Liberty and Harvest Investments, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which public access will be maintained and City services authorized for Vintage Estates Planned Area Development in the City of North Liberty, Iowa
    3. Resolution Number 2021-96, A Resolution accepting the Warranty Deed from Harvest Investments, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the establishment of right of way
  11. CIPCO Agreement
    1. Resolution Number 2021-97, A Resolution approving an Electric Facilities Construction and Payment Agreement regarding construction of a new transmission line between Central Iowa Power Cooperative and the City of North Liberty and the City of Tiffin
    2. Resolution Number 2021-98, A Resolution approving the 28E Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the City of Tiffin for cost obligations for the design and relocation of Central Iowa Power Cooperative Transmission Line
  12. Snowmobile Ordinance
    1. Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the use of snowmobiles in city limits
    2. First consideration of Ordinance Number 2021-16, An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances concerning permitted uses of snowmobiles within City limits
  13. Hate Crime Ordinance
    1. Third consideration and adoption of Ordinance Number 2021-15, An Ordinance amending Chapter 42 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances
  14. Old Business
  15. New Business
  16. Adjournment


City Council
September 28, 2021
Regular Session

Call to order
Mayor Terry Donahue called the September 28, 2021 Regular Session of the North Liberty City
Council to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilors present: RaQuishia Harrington, Chris Hoffman, Annie
Pollock, Brian Wayson; absent –Brent Smith.
Others present: Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Grant Lientz, Kevin Trom, Derek Blackmon, Adam
Hahn, Ashlee Hopkins and other interested parties.
Approval of the Agenda
Harrington moved; Pollock seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda

Consent Agenda
Pollock moved, Harrington seconded to approve the Consent Agenda including the City Council
Minutes, Regular Session of September 14, 2021, the attached list of claims, Ranshaw Way Phase
5, Change Order Number 3, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $21,353.99; Ranshaw Way Phase 5, Pay
Application Number 4, Peterson Contractors, Inc., $1,224,997.39. The vote was all ayes. Consent
Agenda approved.

Public Comment
No public comment was offered.

City Engineer Report
City Engineer Trom reported that the contractor on the Ranshaw Way Phase 5 Project is making
good progress. The Centennial Park Loop Road contractor encountered some poor soils. Paving
is expected to start in mid-October. The Forevergreen Road Trail Project will begin October 11
and will be completed by November 1. Council discussed the report with Trom.
City Administrator Report
City Administrator Heiar reported on the Outreach and Equity Coordinator position. He provided
additional information the error with the City’s tax levy for FY22. Council discussed the report with

Mayor Report
Mayor Donahue proclaimed October as Careers in Construction Month. Adam Hahn, Iowa City
Homebuilders Association spoke regarding the proclamation.
Mayor Donahue proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Ashlee Hopkins
from DVIP presented information regarding the proclamation. Council discussed the
proclamation with Hopkins.

Mayor presented honor roll nominations. The Community Hall of Fame winners are Ashley Bermel,
Graham Beckman and Graham Thompson. Others recognized were Thad Abrams, Eva Anderson,
Abdouramane Bila, Cindy Blackley, Miguel Colon, Candi Evans, Barbara Janes, Harper Klein, Laci
and Nate Lower, Diane McGraw, Bobbi Newman, Julie Roskam, and Dean and Linda Westergaard.

The Mayor thanked them for all that they do for the community.

The Mayor will be attending an all-day regional visioning session with the East Central Iowa Council
of Governments tomorrow.

He reported on the the virtual forum being held ahead of the November election. The session can
be viewed on Zoom with preregistration, on livestream on NLTV and on the Johnson County
League of Women Voters Facebook page.

Reimbursement Resolution
Mulcahey presented information on the resolution. Pollock moved, Harrington seconded to
approve Resolution Number 2021-93, A Resolution relating to the financing of certain proposed
projects to be undertaken by the City of North Liberty, Iowa; establishing compliance with
Reimbursement Bond Regulations under the Internal Revenue Code. The vote was: ayes –
Hoffman, Harrington, Wayson, Pollock; nays – none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.

Vintage Estates
Harrington moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-94, A Resolution
approving the Stormwater Management Facility Maintenance Agreement and Easement between
the City of North Liberty and Harvest Investments, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions
under which stormwater management facilities will be maintained for Vintage Estates Planned
Area Development in the City of North Liberty, Iowa. After discussion, the vote was: ayes –
Harrington, Hoffman, Wayson, Pollock; nays – none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.
Pollock moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-95, A Resolution
approving the Public Access and Utility Inspection Agreement between the City of North Liberty
and Harvest Investments, LLC that establishes the terms and conditions under which public access
will be maintained and City services authorized for Vintage Estates Planned Area Development in
the City of North Liberty, Iowa. The vote was: ayes – Hoffman, Wayson, Pollock, Harrington; nays
– none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.
Hoffman moved, Wayson seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-96, A Resolution
accepting the Warranty Deed from Harvest Investments, LLC to the City of North Liberty for the
establishment of right of way. The vote was: ayes – Harrington, Wayson, Hoffman, Pollock; nays –
none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.

CIPCO Agreement
Heiar presented additional information on this agenda item. Harrington moved, Wayson seconded
to approve Resolution Number 2021-97, A Resolution approving an Electric Facilities Construction
and Payment Agreement regarding construction of a new transmission line between Central Iowa
Power Cooperative and the City of North Liberty and the City of Tiffin. After discussion, the vote
was: ayes – Wayson, Hoffman, Harrington, Pollock; nays – none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.
Harrington moved, Hoffman seconded to approve Resolution Number 2021-98, A Resolution
approving the 28E Agreement between the City of North Liberty and the City of Tiffin for cost
obligations for the design and relocation of Central Iowa Power Cooperative Transmission Line.
After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Pollock, Hoffman, Harrington, Wayson; nays – none; absent
– Smith. Motion carried.

Snowmobile Ordinance
Heiar presented information on the ordinance amendment. At 7:04 p.m., Mayor Donahue opened
the Public Hearing regarding proposed amendments to the use of snowmobiles in city limits. An
email from Cathy Coleman was received and will be included in the record. The public hearing was

Pollock moved, Harrington seconded to approve the first consideration of Ordinance Number
2021-16, An Ordinance amending Chapter 75 of the North Liberty Code of Ordinances concerning
permitted uses of snowmobiles within City limits. After discussion, the vote was: ayes – Wayson,

Pollock, Hoffman, Harrington; nays – none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.
Mayor Donahue reported that an additional public hearing will be held at the next meeting to allow
for input and feedback on the ordinance revisions.

Hate Crime Ordinance
Harrington moved, Pollock seconded to approve the third consideration and adoption of
Ordinance Number 2021-15, An Ordinance amending Chapter 42 of the North Liberty Code of
Ordinances. After discussion the vote was: ayes –Hoffman, Pollock, Harrington, Wayson; nays –
none; absent – Smith. Motion carried.

Old Business
Councilor Hoffman spoke regarding the Iowa League of Cities conference.

New Business
Councilor Pollock offered a reminder that Liberty High School’s Homecoming parade is
Wednesday, September 29.

Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting at 7:09 p.m



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