Communications Advisory Commission on July 1, 2019
- Call to order.
- Roll call.
- Public comment for items not on the agenda.
- Approval of minutes.
- Staff report.
- Candidate statement policy.
- Old business.
- New business.
- Adjourn
1. Call to order.
Commissioner Fields called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
2. Roll call.
In attendance were commissioners Fields, Bevins, Wells, Moore and Hoffman. Also in attendance
were Nick Bergus and Joel Miller.
3. Public comment for items not on the agenda.
There was none.
4. Approval of minutes.
Wells moved, and Bevins seconded, to approve the minutes from June 3, 2019. The motion
passed with all in favor.
5. Staff report.
Bergus discussed staff activities over the month of June.
6. Candidate statement policy.
Bergus discussed the proposed Candidate Statement Policy, which would formalize the longstanding process the department has used to help inform voters about candidates for local
government. Moore moved, Bevins seconded, to approve the policy. The motion passed with all
in favor.
7. Old business.
Moore asked about what changes staff was considering after the first Placemates program.
Bergus noted that frequency, method for making the groups and clarifying the questions asked.
Moore asked about the Immigrant and Refugee Recognition. Bergus noted that the program was
organized by an outside group, and the department used it as an opportunity to do some
outreach and provide some visibility.
8. New business.
Fields asked about communications about the outdoor pool closures. Hoffman noted that she
understood there to be equipment that needed to be fix or replace, and Fields noted that she
understood the problem to be related to sunscreen and patrons not showering prior to entry into
the pool. Bergus noted that it was a frustrating issue with both of those issues, and recreation and
communications staff were working to fix the problems and help the public understand how they
could help.
9. Adjourn.
Moore moved, Hoffman seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:16 p.m. The motion passed with
all voting in favor.