Communications Advisory Commission on February 5, 2018
- Call to order.
- Roll call.
- Public comment for items not on the agenda.
- Communication with retired residents.
- Televising public meetings.
- Staff report.
- Approval of minutes.
- Old business.
- New business.
- Next meeting date.
- Call to order.
Commissioner Fields called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
- Roll call.
In attendance were Commissioners Fields, Wells and Moore, as well as Nick Bergus, Jillian Miller and Derek Blackman. Commissioner Hoffman was absent. There is still an open seat on the commission.
- Public comment for items not on the agenda.
There was none.
- Communication with retired residents.
Special Projects Coordinator for the City of North Liberty Angie McConville shared her outreach with the retired population in North Liberty. While most of her efforts have been focused on reinvigorating the Senior Dining at the recreation center, she has begun identifying different groups of seniors and is strategizing various modes of communication. The next Senior Council meeting will be March 2 from 11-11:30 a.m. McConville invited the commission to attend the Senior Council meetings to learn more about how they currently hear about city happenings, and what they feel is lacking. Commissioner Wells volunteered to attend the meeting to represent the Commission and report back to the group.
- Televising public meetings.
Bergus reference the memo included in the commission packet. Wells shared that he fully supports recording the meetings but was interested in another setting other than Council Chambers. Bergus explained that recording equipment at chambers is difficult to replicate at another location and as a city ordinance, the formal setting of the chambers is appropriate.
- Staff report.
Bergus shared staff updates from the past month including the website redesign, infrastructure projects, and a revamp of NLTB programming. Miller also provided a brief overview on the success of the 3rd Annual Beat the Bitter that took place Jan. 28-Feb. 3, 2018.
- Approval of minutes.
Wells moved, and Moore seconded, to approve the minutes from the commission’s meeting on January. 8. 2018.
- Old business.
There was none.
- New business.
Bergus reminded the commission that there is an open seat on the commission that expires in June 2018.
- Next meeting date.
The commission is scheduled to meet at 6 p.m. on March 5, 2018.
Moore moved, and Wells seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:26 p.m., and the motion passed with all in favor.