Joint Entities meeting on July 16, 2018


Johnson County Board of Supervisors – Iowa City Community School District – City of Iowa City – City of Coralville – City of North Liberty – Other Johnson County Municipalities and School Districts

North Liberty City Council Chambers
1 Quail Creek Circle
Reception 4:00 p.m.
Meeting 4:30 p.m.

1.       Call to order

2.       Welcome and Introductions

3.       Discussion/update of the following:

  1. Update on Solarize Johnson County, a group purchasing program for residential solar – Becky Soglin, Johnson County Sustainability Coordinator (Johnson County)
  2. Update on the Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center – Matt Miller, Johnson County Project Manager (Johnson County)
  3. Annexation Policy on Affordable Housing (Iowa City)
  4. ICCSD Redistricting (Iowa City)
  5. Elementary Attendance Areas (Iowa City Community School District)
  6. Johnson County Comprehensive Plan (Iowa City)
  7. Iowa City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (Iowa City)
  8. RAGBRAI Update (Iowa City)
  9. Major Road Project Updates (Iowa City)
  10. General entity updates
  11. Next meeting date and time
  12. Other

4.       Public comment
5.       Adjournment


Call to order

North Liberty Mayor Terry Donahue called the July 16, 2018 Joint Entities Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.  Elected officials present: Johnson County Board of Supervisors – Rod Sullivan, Lisa Green-Douglass, Kurt Friese and Janelle Rettig; City of Iowa City – Susan Mimms, Pauline Taylor, Jim Throgmorton, John Thomas and Rockne Cole; City of North Liberty – Terry Donahue; Iowa City Community School District – J.P. Claussen, Janet Godwin and Shawn Eyestone; City of Coralville – Meghann Foster, Jill Dodds and Laurie Goodrich; and City of Hills – Tim Kemp and Cathy Knebel.


Others present: Josh Busard, Johnson County; Matt Miller, Johnson County; Geoff Fruin, Iowa City; Ryan Heiar, City of North Liberty; Ellen Habel, City of Coralville; Bob Welsh and other interested parties.


Update on Solarize Johnson County, a group purchasing program for residential solar – Becky Soglin, Johnson County Sustainability Coordinator (Johnson County)

Josh Busard presented an update regarding Solarize Johnson County. Moxie Solar was selected as the installer. The group has hosted 18 solar power hours. Additional information is available at


Update on the Behavioral Health Urgent Care Center – Matt Miller, Johnson County Project Manager (Johnson County)

Johnson County hired Matt Miller as the Project Manager.  Miller presented that items that are being worked on include the purchase of property, working on the legal entity, determining who the managing entity will be and determining solid figures for the budget to create a specific ask from entities.


Annexation Policy on Affordable Housing (Iowa City)

Mayor Throgmorton reported that Iowa City is considering an amendment for voluntary annexations that include a certain number of units would be required to have affordable housing units or payment in lieu of.


ICCSD Redistricting (Iowa City) Elementary Attendance Areas (Iowa City Community School District)


ICCSD Board Member Eyestone provided the elected officials with a PowerPoint presentation printout regarding an upcoming process where the School Board will be working with the community to implement boundary changes in 2019.  The Board is looking at how integration and equity is important in educational experiences.   The Board will hold community sessions to help the community understand the why behind the changes.


Johnson County Comprehensive Plan (Iowa City)

Mayor Throgmorton asked for a brief summary of Johnson County’s Comprehensive Plan.  Josh Busard presented an update on the County’s updated Comprehensive Plan.  The County will be updating the fringe area agreements with cities. The entire plan is available at the following link:


Iowa City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (Iowa City)

Mayor Throgmorton presented an update on the development of Iowa City’s Climate Action Plan.  The draft will be in front of the City Council soon.


RAGBRAI Update (Iowa City)

Geoff Fruin presented an update on RAGBRAI.  Mayor Kemp provided the Hills update.  Fruin thanked all the organizations at the table for the help in planning.  Volunteers are still needed.  Housing will happen in a variety of parks.  90 extra hotel rooms just opened at The Graduate, allowing for extra housing. Only RAGBRAI support vehicles will be allowed on the Park Road bridge.


Major Road Project Updates (Iowa City)

Fruin presented an update on Iowa City construction projects including Park Road, Burlington/Governor, Highway 6, Myrtle and Burlington/Clinton.  Ryan Heiar updated the group on North Liberty construction including Front Street, Highway 965/ Ranshaw Way, Kansas Avenue, Adaptive Signalization, Roundabouts on North Front Street, I380/Forevergreen and the new water plant.   Kemp updated on Hills projects including the updated wastewater treatment plant, permeable pavers on Main Street and new splash pad.  Ellen Habel updated on Coralville projects including Coral Ridge Avenue, First Avenue and zipper merge.  Janelle Rettig updated on Tiffin and County projects including construction between Tiffin and North Liberty, IWV, Oakcrest Hill Road, Ely Road and trail projects.

Next meeting date and time

Iowa City will host the next Joint Meeting on October 15. Johnson County will host the meeting after that on January 14, 2019.


Public comment

Bob Welsh spoke regarding cooperating with one another, statements from the school and the importance of a unified vision.


At 6:10 p.m., Mayor Donahue adjourned the meeting.


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