Library Board of Trustees on June 15, 2020
6:30 pm
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, public health and safety concerns require City of North Liberty public meetings to be held electronically, so as to limit the spread of the virus. The public is invited to submit questions and comments in advance of the meeting for consideration submitting them to the City Clerk Tracey Mulcahey via email at [email protected].
This meeting may be accessed live by the public on the internet at, on Facebook at or on YouTube at You can also attend by phone; call 1 (312) 626 6799 with a touch-tone phone and to enter the meeting ID 892 9132 2678 and six-digit meeting password 461942. Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
- Call to Order
- Additions/Changes to the Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- May
- Reports
- Staff introduction
- Budget
- Friends
- Director
- Staff reports – questions
- Policy Review
- Internet & Technology Policy
- New Business
- Adjourn
PRESENT: Chris Mangrich, Laura Hefley, Jessica Beck, Mike Healy, Scott Clemons,
Heidi Wood, Library Director Jennie Garner, Technology Services Librarian Janet
Call to Order
1) Additions/Changes to the Agenda
a) Next meeting date updated to August 17, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
2) Approval of Minutes
a) May 2020 meeting minutes approved
3) Reports
a. Staff Introduction
i) Technology Services Librarian Janet Lubben provided an update for
electronic resource and WiFi use over the past month, as well as future
projects she is planning
b) Budget Through Mid-June 2020
i) Total Personnel Services: 96.84%
ii) Total Services & Commodities: 91.23%
iii) Total Library Services: 95.68%
iv) Average for this time of year: 92%
c) Friends
i) No report
d) Director
i) Staffing Update: hiring process is currently underway for two library assistant I
ii) Building Update: painting and carpeting projects are finished
iii) Coronavirus Response: staff are scheduled to all return to library week of
June 22; reopening plan will continue to progress with target soft opening
date of July 6th. Safety measure implementation discussed. In addition to
phased reopening, library hop curbside service will continue for the
foreseeable future.
iv) Projects and Events: Mask service to distribute face masks to those in need,
professional activities team members are contributing to, diversity and equity
project, and statement on social and race equity were highlighted.
e) Staff Reports
i) Highlights of ongoing projects and team members’ areas of focus provided
4) Policy Review
a. Internet and Technology Policy
i) Approved
5) New Business
a) None
Next meeting date: August 17, 2020, 6:30pm