Library Board of Trustees on October 21, 2019


City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Drive, North Liberty

Call to Order

  1. Additions/Changes to the Agenda
  2. Public Comment
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. September
  4. Reports
    1. Staff Introduction- Melanie
    2. Budget
    3. Friends
    4. Director
    5. Staff reports – questions
  5. Policy Review
    1. Meeting Rooms Policy
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Other Business


Next meeting date: November 18. 2019, 6:30 p.m.


PRESENT: Chris Mangrich, Laura Hefley, Jessica Beck, Mike Healy, Scott Clemons, Heidi Wood, Library Director Jennie Garner
ABSENT: none
I. Additions/Changes to the Agenda
a. New Board of Trustees member Scott Clemons welcomed. He will assume position vacated by Randy Langner due to move outside of North Liberty. Scott is a longtime library volunteer.
II. Public Comment
a. None
III. Approval of Minutes
a. September 2019 meeting minutes approved
IV. Reports
a. Staff Introductions
i. Melanie Harrison, Marketing & Events Coordinator, provided overview of her role with the North Liberty Community Library
b. Budget
i. Total Personnel Services: 25.01% of budget spent YTD
ii. Total Services & Commodities: 37.76% of budget spent YTD
iii. Total Library Services: 27.65% of budget spent YTD
iv. Average for this time of year: 25.00%
c. Friends Report
i. Discussion of combining Friends and Endowment donation letters into one letter to be sent annually
ii. Funding requests for family certification training approved
iii. Waffle Breakfast in October had lower attendance and profit; discussion to suspend event for future years
iv. Upcoming events include Ghost Walk (10/11/2019), Trunk or Treat (10/25/2019), Cookie Walk (12/8/2019)



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