MPOJC Urbanized Area Policy Board for September 19, 2018


4:30 PM
City of North Liberty – Council Chambers
1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, IA

  1. Call to Order
    1. Recognize alternates
    2. Consider approval of meeting minutes
    3. Set next Board meeting date, time and location (November 14th, tentatively hosted by Coralville)
  2. Public Discussion of any item not on the agenda*
  3. Transportation Planning
    1. Public Hearing and consideration of an amendment to the FY18-21 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) – adding transit vehicles for replacement
      1. Public Hearing
      2. Consider an amendment to the FY18-21 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program
    2. Discussion regarding Surface Transportation Block Grant {STBG) and Transportation Alternative Program (TAP} scoring criteria for funds allocated by MPOJC
    3. Discussion regarding potential Federal Functional Classification changes for MPOJC Urbanized Area roadways
    4. Update on CRANDIC passenger rail and rails-to-trails studies
    5. Update from the MPOJC citizen representative to the East Central Iowa Council of Governments
    6. Update from North Liberty staff on significant community projects
  4. Other Business
  5. Adjournment



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