MPOJC Urbanized Area Policy Board on May 29, 2019
4:30 PM
City of North Liberty – Council Chambers
1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, IA
- Call to Order
- Recognize alternates
- Consider approval of meeting minutes
- Set next Board meeting date, time and location (July 10, tentatively hosted by Coralville)
- Public Discussion of any item not on the agenda*
- Transportation Planning
- Consider a resolution approving the FY2020 MPOJC Transportation Planning Work Program
- Public hearing and consideration of amendments to the adopted FY2019-2022 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) – Adding two City Highway Bridge Program projects
- Replace the 2nd Avenue bridge over Ralston Creek
- Replace the Gilbert Street bridge over Ralston Creek
- Consider approval of Draft FY2020-2023 MPOJC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) projects
- Update on the CRANDIC passenger rail study
- Other Business
- Update on Bike to Work week/month
- Update from North Liberty staff on significant community projects
- Adjournment