Parks and Recreation Commission on April 6, 2017
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Proposal of Agenda
- Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from March 2 meeting.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
- Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
- Summer Activity Guide Recreation Activity Guide is out to public. Program registration started this week, programs offered May-August
- Youth Baseball / Softball: NLYBS and Babe Ruth are parent-run organizations. Practices begin in May, Games follow.
- Upcoming Events: Community Gardens April 7 (reserve plots for 2016 season plot holders), April 14 (new interested plot holders); Easter Egg Hunt April 8; Kayak Trip April 22, Register by April 15; Next Swim Lesson Session: Week of April 24
- Any new issues not on the agenda?
- Aquatic Feasibility Study: Joint Meeting on hold per City Administrator.
- Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
- Any old business not on agenda?
- Next Meeting Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourn
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Board Members Present: Jef Farland, Jami Maxson, Scott Stahmer, Matthew Eckhardt, Jeff Kellbach
Others Present: Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer, Shelly Simpson and Brian Motley
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from March 2 meeting approved.
2. Building and Grounds Report: All parks buildings now in service, new Penn Meadows concession/restroom building had no issues with winterization. Starting work on ball fields. Muddy Creek and bike trail cleanup April 8. Eagle Scout project planned to put together 10 picnic tables, another to replace park benches. Still grading and dirt to be removed at Centennial Park before seeding, likely no on site parking for Blues&BBQ.
3. Summer Activity Guide: Registration opened this week (due to computer snafu, registration opened sooner than intended, had to make some adjustments).
4. Youth Baseball/Softball: Practices begin in May, high school will be using as well as NLYBS and Babe Ruth, presents some challenges for maintenance.
5. Upcoming events:
Community Garders Reserve plots April 7 for prior users,
April 14 for new users
Easter Egg Hunt April 8
Kayak Trip April 22 (register by April 15)
Next session swim lessions April 24
6. Aquatic Plan Review: Site had 28.381 uses by 2882 pass members, 37, 349 daily users. Comments/questions/clarifications re report
a. Sodium hypochlorite cheaper but more utilized than calcium hypochlorite
b. Remove wall with BB hoop – visibilty barrier for lifeguards
c. Replace play feature – bottom creates site barriers, benefits also due to unit rusting and has had issues, could do larger unti
d. Expand zero depth entry area
e. Joint venture with high schools – in survey was low priority item, may be future need for this
f. Idea of wall to separate water exercise area, need to make sure area deep enough to utilize
g. Peak busy times 8-10am, 11:30-1, survey indicated not meeting needs as far as physical space, such as for swim lessons, also sharing of lap swim and exercise area
h. Need to change to 25 yd pool – benefits to 50m pool but increases expenses, would need to diversify
i. Need to have more parking for expansion – limited options for this
j. Lookign at $10 million cost, would need to go to public
1. Aquatic Feasibility Study: Still waiting to hear about joint meeting with City Council to discuss further.
2. Recreation Monthly Report: Activities as usual. Working on getting people counters to better assess useage. Added 7 new pieces of cardio equipment.
1. Next Meeting Thursday, May 4, 2016 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 8:25 pm