Parks and Recreation Commission on August 3, 2017


North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Proposal of Agenda



  1. Approve minutes from meeting of: Minutes from July 6 meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. Aquatics Discussion: Continue discussion on Aquatic ideas, priorities and concerns.
  4. Fall Brochure: Out to public this week, programs Sept – Dec, 2017, Registration begins Aug 7 for residents, Aug 9 for non-residents.
  5. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  6. Upcoming Events: Eastern Iowa Observatory August 11; Another Episode August 17; CR Kernels Game August 18; Doggie Plunge September 7 & 8
  7. Any new issues not on the agenda?


    1. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
    2. Any old business not on agenda?


  1. 1. Next Meeting: Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 7:00 PM; Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Board Members Present: Jef Farland, Jami Maxson, Scott Stahmer, Raquishia Harrington, Jeff Kellbach
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Brian Motley, Ashley Kipp, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:01 pm


1. Approve minutes: Minutes from July 6 meeting approved

2. Public Comments: Letter from Jane Cranston to Shelly distributed – expressed concerns regarding possible pool changes in water depth, and needs for arthritis exercise classes. Will be sure to address with class members as ideas develop, plans progress.

3. Aquatics Discussion: further discussion from last month, reviewed Jef Farland’s recommendation sheet and staff handout regarding master plan. Stress that board wants to keep current Aquatics Master Plan and Parks Plan, but feel there is a need for Recreation Master Plan, and combine all into an overall plan. Perhaps to even include other items, such as the Trails Plan due to overlap or connectedness. One example is splash pads part of both Aquatics Plan and Parks Plan, should coordinate planning, budget and efforts. Shelly will obtain plans from nearby communities to review at next meeting and anticipate board recommendation for Request for Proposal to council for Recreation Master Plan.
Fairly good alignment of board phased recommendations with staff presentation of master plan recommendations:
a. Outdoor pool changes: change out wall, move BB hoop, replace play feature, change fence to expand grass area to the south (Dean Wheatley and Shelly have discussed, Dean looking into possible expansion area), create separate entry (so not going through Rec Center, may coordinate with pump room if expand outdoor pool area), convert to liquid chlorine.
b. Parking expansion: necessary, esp if expand Rec Center or pool volume. Considerations include land on Cherry St (safety issues), Ranshaw House area, possible parking ramps.
c. Outdoor pool additons: (Board Phase 3) – can site support additions, and more use? Look at revenue generation vs. staffing increases to decide on types of additions. Look at other city property or land opportunities as well.
d. Indoor Pool Changes: (Board Phase 2) – add “fun” features such as drop slide, climbing wall, etc. Possible pool expansion to the east (joint use/partnership such as with Liberty High School). Replace dehumidification, improve acoustics. Possible conversion to liquid chlorine.
e. Splash Pads: Incorporate additonal sites? – as part of Parks Plan already hoping to do this over next several years.
Motion Made: Staff to look into items in A & B further, determine item costs and what may be covered with current funds and what to propose for next fiscal year and present at next meeting.

4. Fall Brochure: out to public this week for programs Sept-Dec 2017. Registration Aug 7 for residents, Aug 9 for non-residents.

5. Building and Grounds Report: Redid siding on Penn Meadows storage building, repairs to irrigation at pool and Liberty Centre, weeding bioswale area at Centennial Park, completed Tot Lot at Penn Meadows. All staff worked at Blues&BBQ .

6. Upcoming events:
Eastern Iowa Observatory August 11
Another episode – Big Bang Theory August 17
CR Kernels game August 18
Doggie Plunge Sept 7 & 8
Pools close Sept 3
(splash pad will stay open as weather allows)

7. New Issues: NLYBS meeting Tuesday at Rec Center (Scott and Cindy Rundle have retired from supervising program).
Brian is looking at new weight equipment, getting quotes on locker room remodel. Gyms will be closed week of Aug 14 for floor refinishing.

1. Recreation Monthly Report: standard month for activities.

2. Old business – Discussion continues on overhead protection at Penn Meadows fields. Bleachers are in next year’s budget.


1. Next Meeting Thursday, September 7, 2016 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle

2. Adjourned at 8:13 pm

Minutes submitted by Jami Maxson


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