Parks and Recreation Commission on January 7, 2016
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Proposal of Agenda
1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from Joint Meeting with City Council on December 3.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
3. Parks Plan: Presentation of Park Plan; direction to proceed to submit to City Council.
4. Beaver Creek Park Playground: Review proposal and proceed with purchase process.
5. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
6. Winter/Spring 2016: Start of most W/S programs began Week of Jan. 4; Track & Weight/Exercise area busy with New Year resolutions; Gymnasiums are busy this time of year; NLC Youth Basketball = Saturdays in all area gymnasiums; Youth & Adult Leagues begin Week of Jan. 11; Swim Lessons resume Week of Jan. 18
7. Any new issues not on the agenda?
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
2. Any old business not on agenda?
1. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 4 at 7:00 PM; Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourn
North Liberty City Council
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee
Joint Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Council Members Present: Terry Donahue, Annie Pollack, Coleen Chipman, Chris Hoffman, Brian Wayson, Amy Nielsen
Parks & Rec Members Present: Dan Skemp, Jami Maxson, Jef Farland, Scott Stahmer, and Jeff Kellbach
City Staff Present: Dean Wheatley, Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith and Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 6:34 pm
1. Approve of Agenda: unanimously approved.
2. Parks Comprehensive Plan Update: Dean Wheatley started presentation re draft of Parks Plan, stressing there is room for changes, and will be updating Progress Table. Goal to utilize local knowledge, board input, general priorities and budget realities. Guy Goldsmith presented details regarding parks, based on use, visualized needs, aging of current facilities.
a. Suggestions made regarding plans for specific parks follow.
Beaver Kreek – relocate new equipment (in budget) to safer area, and eliminate basketball court – would it be advisable to do most/all at once?
Fox Run – possible addition of sidewalk to increase access
Quail Ridge – possibility of using land across Zeller to expand, concern re safety crossing street
Deerfield Park – would like to enlarge and add parking (neighbors have done fundraising for park in past)
Creekside Park – suggestion to move trail lighting to earlier priority, perhaps use solar lighting
Penn Meadows – suggestion to move expanding community gardens to higher priority if need warrants. Discussion on lights and expanding use, increasing revenue versus the drawbacks to changes in the park. Brings up question of commitment to Penn Meadows ballfields versus adding fields and other sites. Is discussion that may need to take place before further progress at park.
Fox Run Pond – question about extending bike path that ends close to park – may be part of trails plan
Cornerstone – consider some sort of bike rest area
Mar Lee – shelter at part – possibly solicit credit union to install
Broadmoor – question about play area near pond and risks, possibility neighbors would utilize
Liberty Centre – support for funding to repair electricity
Freedom Park – suggestion for flagpole (lit/solar lights), expand parking if opportunity arises
Community Center – library as partner in adding/improving play equipment. May also utilize space near Ranshaw House, but dependent on plans for renovation and need for more Rec Center parking. Shelter near trail vandalized, possibly install security cameras versus move shelter. Is obstruction when using bike path.
Koser Park – possibly removing basketball court, discussion of safety when crossing Dubuque St
Fox Valley Pond – development plans may change with changes to Forevergreen Road
Centennial Park – suggestion to name shelter – Brian Wayson proposed to name in honor of Tom Salm. Try to better utilize, prioritize paly equipment or shelter after infrastructure to allow utilization.
b. General suggestions re parks/parks plan:
Include school facilities in overall counts
Invite landscaping companies to provide repair or maintenance to parks
Solicit businesses to donate funds for park benches
Have flat spots closer to edge of ponds to ease fishing access, especially in initial design of ponds
Community visioning – engage support for CIP levy to get funding for parks
3. Dog Park: Discussed interest and demand, as well as costs. Potential part of levy for funding. Look further at current zoning to ID potential land.
4. Key Points: Park and Rec Committee to address Centennial Park especially whether it is best to address all at once or in stages and Penn Meadows Park, especially regarding ballfield lights and whether to maximize ball at this park or also include elsewhere. Suggestion also made to review yearly, as priorities changes, also allow to see progress.
5. Park and Recreation Committee November minutes: unanimously approved by Park and Rec members
Meeting adjourned at 9:02pm
Minutes submitted by Jami Maxson