Parks and Recreation Commission on May 4, 2017


North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Proposal of Agenda



  1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from April 6 meeting.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
  3. Board Applications: Two terms expiring; Jami Maxson & Scott Stahmer; Fill out applications; reapply by May 19 to City Hall
  4. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  5. Summer Preparations: Many summer programs begin Week of May 1; Summer Camp preparations; Outdoor Pool/Concessions preparations; Field Rentals
  6. Upcoming Events: Community Gardens May 1 – planting begins; Next Swim Lesson Session: Week of June 5
  7. Facility Holiday Hours: Memorial Day Weekend: Sat/Sun/Mon., May 27-29; Rec Center / Indoor Pool:   8am-6pm; Outdoor Pool: 12 (noon) – 6pm
  8. Any new issues not on the agenda?


  1. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
  2. Any old business not on agenda?


  1. Next Meeting Thursday, June 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM; Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Board Members Present: Jef Farland, Jami Maxson, Raquishia Harrington, Matthew Eckhardt, Jeff Kellbach
Others Present:  Guy Goldsmith and Shelly Simpson
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm


  1. Approve minutes: Minutes from April 5 meeting approved.
  2. Board Applications: Terms for Jami Maxson and Scott Stahmer expiring,               reapply by May 19
  3. Building and Grounds Report: Groundwork and landscaping work, maintaining ballfields. Muddy Creek and Bike Trail Cleanup a success – thanks to those that helped.  Looking at replacing parks facility lights with LED lighting.  Trail lighting project from Zeller to Forevergreen RD – looking at solar lights, have 2 test poles.  Centennial Park – most grading complete, trail done, lights in parking lot soon, extension of tree planting until June 2.
  4. Summer Preparations: Many summer programs beginning. Summer camp preparations, along with outdoor pool and concessions.  Field rentals in full swing.
  5. Upcoming events: Community Gardens: Planting beginning; Next session swim lessons: week of June 5
  6. Facility Holiday Hours: Sat – Mon May 27-29; Rec Center/Indoor pool: 8am-6pm; Outdoor pool: noon-6pm
  7. New Issues: Splash pads – to open in coordination with outdoor pool


  1. Recreation Monthly Report: Activities as usual. approximately 500 children at               Easter Egg Hunt.  January useage numbers – 982 users/day for membership               checkin and daily point of sale.  Does not include open gym or programs.


  1. Next Meeting Thursday, June 1, 2016 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourned at 7:25 pm


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