Parks and Recreation Commission on October 4, 2018
- Approve minutes: Sept 6th meeting
- Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
- Priority Project Listing: Present information to date, collect new and combine into a recommendation to city council. Start with Aquatics, than Rec, than Parks specific.
- Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
- Upcoming Events: Halloween Moonlight Walk Oct 12, Pumpkin Painting/Decorating Oct. 13, Haunted Happenings Oct. 25 & 26, Truck or Treat Oct. 26, Trick or Treat Oct 31
- Winter Spring 2019 Brochure: Staff has begun work on programming for January-April, 2019.
- Any new issues not on agenda?
- Rec Fees / Memberships Update: Update to new fees, started Oct 1
- Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
- Any old issues not on agenda?
- Next Meeting: Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourn
Board Members Present: Matthew Eckhardt, Jami Maxson, Troy Carter, Amalia Gedney-Lose, Megan Lehman
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, Brian Motley, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from July 5 meeting approved. (no quorum in August)
2. Board Appointments: Chair – Matthew Eckhardt
Vice Chair – Megan Lehman
Secretary – Jami Maxson
3. Building and Grounds Report: seasonal staff now gone. Working on mowing, maintaining ballfields. Pouring concrete
at Penn Meadows, getting new bleachers and shade structures, paving remainder of trail. Three new park monument
signs placed. Creekside playground relocated and reopened. Rock climbing area and new playground at Centennial
getting good feedback. City has purchased land for dog park, want to start improvements but need to wait until land
annexed into city.
4. Fees/Membership Rate Changes: Updated proposal approved by city council. Being publicized, effective Oct 1, 2018.
5. Fall Programs: Back in full swing – gymnasiums busy, JH volleyball, youth and adult leagues, rentals. Soccer program
larger but limited due to field space and daylight since no field lighting. Be sure to look online for facility schedules and
gym availability.
6. Upcoming Events: Doggie Plunge Sept 9
Moonwalk & Star Party Sept 22
Swim lessons week of Sept 24
Celebration Belle Cruise Oct 3
7. New Issues: Splash pad will stay open as long as weather allows.
1. Recreation Monthly Report: August often slowest month, changes with fall programming.
2. Old Business: a) Pool renovations – money allocated this fiscal year for new play structure, possibly addressing floating
structure wall. Would like to do before next season.
b) Recreation Master Planning – give Shelly any input, she will bring up with city government. Discussed measures to
engage community members. M. Eckhardt suggested Top 10 list to determine areas to focus on (of city staff, also board
c) Did fill administrative assistant opening, started this week.
1. Next Meeting Thursday October 4, 2018 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 7:35 pm