Parks and Recreation Commission on April 7, 2016
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Proposal of Agenda
1. Approve minutes from meeting (s) of: Minutes from March 3 meeting.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
3. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
4. Aquatics Supervisor Position: Introduce Ashley Kipp, our new Aquatics Supervisor; 2-3 weeks on the job; jumping right in with staff issues, learning operations, etc., Outdoor Pool preparations; training, to follow, etc…
5. Summer Brochure/Registration: Registration began this week; update
6. Field Reservations/Ball Season: First tourney of year was held this past weekend.
April = preseason; many teams practicing
May & June = season; major field use these months
July & August = most leagues try to end prior to July 4th holiday; use slows
7. Upcoming Events: Summer Camp Registration April 1
Summer Program/swim lesson Registration April 4 & 6
Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt April 9
Lifeguard Class April 15-17
8. Any new issues not on the agenda?
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
2. Any old business not on agenda?
1. Next Meeting Thursday, May 5 at 7:00 PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourn
North Liberty Parks & Recreation Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Board Members Present: Dan Skemp, Bonnie Pitz, Jef Farland, RaQuisha Harrington, Jeff Kellbach and Scott Stahmer
Others Present: Shelly Simpson and Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from March 3 approved.
2. Building and Grounds Report: Maintenance and equipment repairs as needed. Hooking up utilities in restroom-concession
stand. Early summer is completion date. April 2 was NLYBS clean up day at the ball diamonds; April 9 is Muddy Creek clean
up and April 30 is city wide clean up. Splash pad should go out for bid in the next couple weeks with a June completion date.
Interviews for seasonal workers is under way, would like 12 and looking for 4 more.
3. Aquatics Supervisor Position: Ashley Kipp is the new aquatics supervisor, 2 – 3 weeks on the job. She has been doing
staff issues, learning operations. Outdoor pool preparations and training to follow.
4. Summer Brochure: Registration began this week. Lower level swim lessons if filled, 26 reservations for garden plots with 20
remaining. 5 out of 10 weeks are filled for Summer Recsters.
5. Field Reservation: First tournament was held April 2 and 3. April preseason will start with teams starting to practice. May
and June season is in swing with major field use in these months. July and August is wind down with most leagues over.
6. Upcoming Events: Summer Camp registration begins April 1, Summer Programs/swim lesson Registration is April 4-6.
Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt is April 9; Lifeguard Class is April 15-17.
7. New Issues: Outdoor pool opens May 28.
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Reviewed reports presented, including capital projects. Pancake breakfast was held March 5,
Easter Egg Hunt was held March 19. We received $100 donation.
1. Next Meeting Thursday May 5, 2016 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 7:38 pm