Parks and Recreation Commission on April 4, 2019
- Approve minutes: Approve March 7 meeting minutes.
- Welcome New Board Member: Richard Grugin, newly appointed member.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
- Pickleball Advocates: Advocates to provide summary of attendance and Inquiry to dedicated outdoor pickleball courts.
- Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
- Summer Brochure: Registration has begun, programs offered May-August
- Upcoming Events:
Community Gardens Sign up 2018 plot holders: April 5, New plot holders: April 12
Easter Egg Hunt April 13
Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt April 26
Celebration Belle Trip April 26
Run Crandic April 28 - Any new issues not on agenda?
- Recreation Monthly Report:
Recreation Review from previous month.
CIP Projects for FY20
Public forums/committees – research continues - Any old issues not on agenda?
- Next Meeting: Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle - Adjourn
Board Members Present: Matthew Eckhardt, Jami Maxson, Megan Lehman, Amalia Gedney-Lose, Troy Carter, Richard Grugin
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Brian Motley, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
- Approve minutes: Minutes from March 7 meeting approved.
- New Board Member: Welcome to Richard Grugin, newly appointed.
- Public Comments- Concern voiced re condition of tennis nets by end of last season. Guy aware of damage (due to weather) and needs to be addressed.
- Pickleball Advocates- Presentation by Duane Miller, representing contingent of pickleball players (have 300 local members). Main purpose is to request building dedicated outdoor courts. They are happy with availability of indoor court use, equipment shed, and lines on tennis court. Participation has greatly increased (locally was 12,577 in 2018, likely underestimate) and can be improved by dedicated courts. Proposing dedicated courts in North Liberty, particularly at Penn Meadows. Presented option to construct 6 courts in NW corner of park, as well as 2 different options to modify tennis court area to create dedicated courts. Discussion undertaken re funding, best sites, amount of tennis court useage, other facility options to lessen demand/shift demand. Will consider further; since tennis court needs resurfacing and area has lights, best option at present may be to have part of area redone as dedicated pickleball court.
- Building and Grounds Report- Busy opening parks and restrooms, getting ready for mowing season, preparing for field use, work on dog park (trees removed and chipped).
- Summer Brochure: Registration has begun for programs offered May-August.
- Upcoming Events: Community Garden signup April 5/April 12
Easter Egg Hunt April 13
Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt April 26
Celebration Belle trip April 26
Run Crandic April 28
- Recreation Monthly Report: Bids received for remodel of women’s locker room, also work on snowfence on roof (at main entry to protect patrons) and do gasline support on roof, fire/sprinkler system repairs. April 24 is planned date for new pool play feature. Switching recreation software, changing to Rec Desk on July 1, patrons will need to re-register.
- Old issues: Public forums/committees – research continues, waiting to speak with new city arttorney.
- Next Meeting Thursday, May 2, 2019 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourned at 8:01 pm