Parks and Recreation Commission on August 5, 2021
7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
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- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes, July 1, 2021
- Reports
- Parks Report
- Recreation/Pool Report
- Questions or Concerns
- New Business
- Old Business
- Next Meeting: Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 7:00pm.
- Adjourn
Date: August 5, 2021
Present: Richard Grugin, Marcia Ziemer, Shannon Greene, Amy Chen, Kevin Stibal
Absent: Jeremy Parrish, Craig Sundell
Others Present: Shelley Simpson, Brian Motley, Tim Hamer
1. Call to Order
a. 7 PM by Richard Grugin
2. Approval of Minutes
a. July 1, 2021
b. Motion to Approve: Kevin Stibal
c. Second: Marcia Ziemer
3. Reports
a. Parks Report
i. Ranshaw House
1. Will repaint siding
2. Eventually will need to be replaced due to age
ii. Pool
1. Began heater project
iii. Fire Station
1. Derecho and hail storm re-shingling complete
2. Hard to get contractors as they are busy
3. Solar panels now back
iv. Equipment
1. As needed
v. Landscaping
1. Roundabout maintenance continues
2. Mowing and Trimming
3. Trimming back trees on trails
4. Ballfield maintenance slower as season over
5. Will prep soon for fall ball
vi. Centennial Park Loop Road
1. Pre-construction meeting in late August
2. Will finalize in mid-June 2022
3. Engineering bid was under
4. Will change how park used, as it would allow South parking
5. Entry still just St. Andrews
6. Tie ins to neighborhood and biking trail
vii. Forevergreen Trail
1. August 9-October 30
2. Est. $125k, underbid $99,760
3. Will elevate trail to prevent water seepage
viii. Security Cameras
1. Installed security cameras
2. Tracking public so illegal dumping doesn’t occur
ix. Broadmoor Pond
1. Fish kill and major clean up
2. Preventative measures: quote on aeration system for pond
3. Shallow + low sunlight leads to both summer and winter kills
4. Aeration system like a home fish aquarium, but on a larger scale
5. Will look at this after budget session
x. Dog Park
1. Grant from MidAmerican Energy
2. Planted 12 trees, stressed due to heat but still limber
3. Successful at getting this grant nearly every year
xi. Playground Safety Training
1. Classroom
2. Playground inspection with new regulations
xii. Eagle Scout Project
1. On July 31
2. Replaced 30-year-old Beaver Kreek foot bridge
3. Another walking bridge still needs to be rebuilt
xiii. Tennis Court
1. Resurfaced and ½ converted to pickleball courts
2. Started on August 4
3. Week or two behind schedule
4. More likely to be completed first week of September
xiv. Vandalism at Centennial Park
1. Brought up by Marcia Ziemer
2. Slow season on vandalism
3. Latex paint on slides came off with power wash
4. Knocked over Port-O-Johnny
b. Recreation/Pool Report
i. Pool
1. Mornings (outdoor pool) and evenings (indoor pool)
2. Aqua Fitness classes had much interest, with high numbers
ii. Database
1. 14,000+ individuals in database through RecDesk
iii. Programs and Revenue Summary
1. Classes
a. Aqua Fitness had high interest
b. More class numbers in report
c. Most leagues starting up in fall
d. Summer camps full at 50 participants/week
e. Not in schools yet
f. Low part-time staffing
2. Pool
a. First year separating indoor and outdoor pool operations
b. Lap swimmers and fitness classes appreciate separate pool
c. Passholders like the 1-hour leeway before daily drop ins
d. Traffic light system helps with capacity notice
e. 1-3 PM busiest time for drop ins, slower after 4 PM
3. Water Quality
a. Samples were sent to a lab for inspection
b. Finding was a high concentration of barium (from paint)
c. Repainted last year
d. That painter was used elsewhere without problems
e. Using an expensive clarifier that sticks to the film to flush it
f. Bather load at 50% capacity helps
4. Other facilities
a. Slowly rising numbers for rentals and revenue
5. Delta variant
a. Brought up by Marcia Ziemer
b. In communication with Johnson County Public Health
c. Follow JCPH recommendations
d. City of Cedar Rapids now mandating masks in city facilities
c. Questions
i. RecDesk residents v. non-residents
1. Brought up by Shannon Greene
2. Steady ratio of around 65% residents and 35% non-residents
3. Following city boundaries
ii. Pool heaters
1. Project approved and will start August 16
2. Started ground work outside facility on East side last week
3. At some point, the inside and outside facility will be closed
4. Maybe this will be in September, so it won’t affect outdoor pool
4. New Business
a. None
5. Old Business
a. None
6. Move to Adjourn
a. Called: Marcia Ziemer
Second: Kevin Stibal