Parks and Recreation Commission on December 5, 2019
7:00 p.m., 1 Quail Creek Circle
1. Approve minutes: Approve November 7 meeting minutes.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
3. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
4. Winter Spring Registration: Registration began this week for programs offered January-April
5. Holiday Hours: Community Center Holiday Hours: Tues & Wed., Dec 24 & 25 Facility –CLOSED; Tues., Dec 31 Limited Hours; 7am-6pm, Wed., Jan 1 Facility – CLOSED
6. Any new issues not on agenda?
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
2. Any old issues not on agenda?
1. Next Meeting: Next month meeting: Thursday, January 2, 2020, 7:00pm at City Council Chambers; 1 Quail Creek Circle
Will we have enough members in attendance for quorum?
2. Adjourn
Meeting called to order: 7:00
1. Approve Minutes: Approve November 7 meeting minutes
a. Richard moved to approve, Derrick second, motion carried.
2. Public comments/concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
a. None
3. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
a. Ranshaw house maintenance with heated enclosure in attic to prevent freezing
b. Natural prairie areas were mowed down, except at Centennial Park
i. Looking to become certified to burn prairies
c. Winterized ponds/waterfalls
d. Winter/spring equipment maintenance
e. Annual state pesticide education
f. Guy represented NL at the Corridor Canopy Coverage Committee
g. Ice Skating rink was laid and filled with water
h. Centennial Park tot lot equipment ordered
i. Late spring/early summer install planned
ii. Dig out, concrete border, installation, rock base, and rubberized surface all need to
be installed
i. Dog park fencing is completed, plan to install entry way monument sign
i. Still need to grade and seed next spring
ii. Anticipate late summer/early fall before opening
j. Fiscal budget and 5 year CIP have been turned in
4. Winter Spring Registration: Registration began this week for programs offered January-April
a. Opened December 3rd for residents
b. Indoor use continues to rise with cold weather and upcoming New Year resolutions
5. Holiday Hours: Community Center Holiday Hours:
a. Tuesday & Wed., Dec 24 & 25 Facility Closed
b. Tues., Dec. 31 Limited Hours; 7 am-6 pm
c. Wed., Jan 1 Facility closed
6. Any new issues not on agenda?
a. Marcia asked questions in that we’re 45% of the way through the year but we are 65%
of the way through the budget
i. Guy said that this is typical as the budget will lull during the winter and pick up again
in the spring with seasonal workers
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month
a. Youth competitive and adult leagues continue through mid-December; new starts in
b. Pool
i. Swim lessons continue through mid-December with break until mid-January
ii. Continued growth with water classes
iii. Dectron system was studied with recommendations to stay with the rooftop
unit but some changes in regard to airflow; bid will be sent out with plan to
install in August (as long as current system holds up) due to it being the
slowest month
c. Richard wondered about open gym times with good response per Shelly
2. Any old issues not on agenda?
a. Marcia would like the Recreation Monthly Report moved to New Business. Shelly will
1. Next meeting: Next month meeting: Thursday, January 2, 2020, 7 pm at City Council
Chambers; 1 Quail Creek Circle
a. Will we have enough members in attendance for quorum? Yes
2. Adjourn
a. 7:19 pm