Parks and Recreation Commission on January 2, 2020
Parks & Recreation Commission
January 2, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa
New Business:
- Call to Order
- Approve minutes
- Public Comment
- Capital Projects
- CIP handout, discussion
- Program Update
- January is start of new session of classes
- NLC Basketball
- Beat the Bitter
Old Business:
- Parks Report
- Recreation Report
- Concerns or Questions
- Next Meeting
- Thursday, February 6, 2020; 7:00pm
- Adjournment
Board Members Present: Megan Lehman, Richard Grugin, Derrick Parker, Marcia Ziemer, Ann Graziano,
and Amalia Gedney-Lose. Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, and Tim Hamer
New Business:
1. Call to Order: 7:00 pm
2. Approve minutes from December 2019: Marcia moved to approve, Richard second
3. Public Comment: None
4. Capital Projects:
a. CIP handout, discussion
• Ryan would like us to prioritize the next fiscal year (2020-2021)
• Questions for Guy:
o Trail lighting over multiple years Money initially diverted to dog park property
in 2018, holding pattern for 2019 because of the Mayor’s plans. Goal is to start
from Zeller south to Forevergreen Rd. and keep branching off from that.
o Tennis Courts Resurfacing current courts, keeping half tennis, half pickleball
o Centennial Park Finish the park off with performance venue, splash pad and
construct a pavilion. Road, amphitheater, splash pad would be fundraising
projects with hiring a consultant to pay for these things.
Start fundraising for Centennial.
o Penn Meadows Overlay with expansion of parking lot to the west. Would
encourage parking and lighting at the same time. Consider pairing all Penn
Meadow Projects together as a main priority.
• Priorities
o Penn Meadows
Lighting, Parking, Tennis Courts starting with maintenance
o Trail Lighting
o Senior Equipment
o Centennial
• Questions for Shelly:
o Dectron unit Should have $500 k ($250 k from last year and $250 k from this
o Painting Trying to close once instead of closing down again with hopes of
holding off until August.
o Boiler Flues Due to condensation, this would extend it to prevent
deterioration of outside walls.
o Teen Room Richard asked about some sort of game room for youth/teens to
hang out. Derrick agreed that this is something he would like to see. Some
concerns raised about the Communication Department being located in a room
that would be appropriate for a game room.
• Priorities
o Indoor pool
o Building Maintenance
o Splash pad
• Franchise Fee would increase the tax rate. Would help with Parks and Rec Projects as a
funding source.
5. Program Update
• Busy time at the rec center!
• Most programs start up next week with regular programing.
• NLC Basketball in almost all the gyms
• Beat the Bitter
Old Business:
6. Parks Report
• Building maintenance as needed.
• Some snow and ice removal early.
• Pet waste station and trail trash being picked up.
• Maintenance on equipment has started for spring/summer.
• Training and improving efficiencies in shop.
• Tree City USA – going for 25 years – helps with getting trees. Also submitted for the
Trees Please Grant with some going towards the dog park trees. Goal is to start planting
as early as possible.
• Muddy Creek and Parkview court areas have been eroded by water so goals are to take
out hazardous and invasive trees to help with bank straightening to prevent loss of
residential property. Should be done by 3/1/20. Anticipate some shutdown of the trails
in that area with rerouting.
7. Recreation Report
• Early December is a busy week with registration for Jan-April programming.
• Influx of drop in use, but sometimes there is a backseat for programming around the
• Some difficulty with staffing d/t illness, vacation requests, etc.
• Special events included holiday vendor fair, breakfast with Santa, Elf on the Shelf
scavenger hunt, gazebo decorating, etc.
8. Concerns or Questions
• None
9. Next Meeting a. Thursday, February 6, 2020; 7:00pm
10. Adjournment