Parks and Recreation Commission on January 3, 2019


7:00PM, 1 Quail Creek Circle


  1. Approve minutes: Nov 1 meeting minutes (no meeting in December)
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
  3. Rec & Aquatics Recommendation: Discuss staff recommendation for on Rec/Aquatics priorities. Make recommendation to City Council.
  4. Parks Recommendation: Discuss staff recommendation for Parks priorities. Make recommendation to City Council.
  5. Land Acquisition: Discuss how City of NL obtains/plans for future land acquisition.
  6. Winter/Spring Programming: Most programs will start Week of January 7
  7. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  8. Any new issues not on agenda? Scott Stahmer resignation – moving out of state.


  1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
  2. Any old issues not on agenda?


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


Board Members Present: Matthew Eckhardt, Scott Stahmer, Troy Carter, Amalia Gedney-Lose
Absentees: Jerry Schimmel, Megan Lehman, Jami Maxson,
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:08 pm (late arrival for quorum)
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from Nov 1 meeting approved. (No meeting in Dec).
2. Public Comments/Concerns: None noted, no one present.
3. Rec & Aquatics Recommendation:
Item A: Outdoor Play Feature: Board recommended proposal from Commercial Recreation
Services for estimated total of $195,560 to City Council.
Item B: Rec Priorities: Board recommended priorities of 1) Maintain Existing Facilities, 2) Splash
Pads, and 3) Future Expansion to City Council.
Discussion continued and recommendation made as presented.
4. Parks Recommendation: Discussion and recommendation made as presented.
5. Land Acquisition:
Discussion on how City obtains/plans for future land acquisition. Agreed to keep as is to work with developers as
proposals are submitted and keep in mind on areas of weakness according to Parks Plan.
6. Winter/Spring Programming:
Shelly stated that most programs will be starting Week of January 7.
7. Building & Grounds Report:
Guy fielded questions relating to monthly report.
8. Other Issues: Scott Stahmer announced his resignation from board effective after meeting as he and his family will be
relocating to the Virginia area. Board thanked him for his years of service on the Park & Rec Board.
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Shelly fielded questions relating to monthly report.
2. No other issues mentioned
1. Next Meeting scheduled for February 7, 2019
2. Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm
Minutes submitted by Shelly Simpson.



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