Parks and Recreation Commission on March 5, 2020


Regular Session
City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve minutes
  3. Public Comment
  4. Board Vacancy Jerry has announced his resignation, his family is relocating to Minnesota. April will be last meeting. Best wishes!
  5. Summer Brochure & Activities
    1. Summer Brochure is available to public; May –August programs
    2. Registration begins April 6 & 8
  6. Upcoming Programs
    1. Laser Tag March 21
    2. Easter Egg Hunt April 4
    3. TAKO: Shed & Scavenger Hunt April 17
    4. Totally 80’s, Totally Murder Mystery April 25
  7. Parks Report
  8. Recreation Report
  9. Concerns or Questions
  10. Next Meeting
    1. Thursday, April 2, 2020; 7:00pm
  11. Adjournment


Board Members Present: Megan Lehman, Richard Grugin, Derrick Parker, Jerry Schimmel, and
Amalia Gedney-Lose
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Tim Hamer, Guy Goldsmith
1. Call to Order
2. Approve minutes: Derrick made motion, Jerry seconded
3. Public Comment: none
4. Board Vacancy: Jerry has announced his resignation, his family is relocating to
Minnesota. April will be last meeting. Best wishes!
1. Position has been advertised
5. Summer Brochure & Activities
1. Summer Brochure is available to public; May –August programs
2. Registration begins April 6th (residents) & 8th (non-residents)
6. Upcoming Programs
1. Laser Tag March 21 – Cancelled due to equipment issues
2. Easter Egg Hunt April 4
3. TAKO: Shed & Scavenger Hunt April 17
4. Totally 80’s, Totally Murder Mystery April 25
Old Business
7. Parks Report
1. Equipment maintenance continues
2. Snow and ice removal
3. Ice skating rink is closed
4. Supply purchasing
5. Ball season with nearly full schedule. Working on getting the fields ready. Ball
field clean up on 3/28 in the afternoon.
6. Dog park  awaiting ability to get into finish shelters, install benches, plant
trees and do grading/seeding. Looking for a late summer opening.
7. Muddy Creek and Parkview Court bank stabilization complete
8. Looking to hire summer seasonal employees
9. Muddy Creek clean-up day is first Saturday in April. Starts at the rec center and
works its way down to Forevergreen Road. Rain or shine event. City provides
trash bags.
10. Playground add on at the Rec Center and Centennial
8. Recreation Report
1. Some programs had to be cancelled due to issues with weather.
2. Aquatic programming has been consistent with participants and swim lessons
3. 20 participants in the indoor triathlon
4. February is typically a month of hosting bigger community events
9. Concerns or Questions
10. Next Meeting
1. Thursday, April 2, 2020; 7:00pm
11. Adjournment: 7:13 pm



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