Parks and Recreation Commission on March 7, 2019


7:00 PM


  1. Approve minutes: Approve February 7 meeting minutes.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
  3. Board Member Vacancy: (7) Applications submitted; Appointments – March 12; New members’ anticipated first meeting – April 4
  4. Park & Rec Synopsis: Only one reply received by March 1 deadline; Continued discussion
  5. Outdoor Pool Play Feature: Changes to floatable walk wall and replacement of main play feature. Chose Commercial Recreation Specialists / Vortex Spring installation anticipated for Summer season use.
  6. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  7. Baseball / Softball Update: Name changes, contacts, working w/Liberty HS teams Brian Motley – Field lottery meeting
  8. Summer Brochure: Registration: April 1 – Residents; April 3 – Non-residents, Programs offered May-August
  9. Upcoming Events: Community Gardens Sign up 2018 plot holders: April 5; New plot holders: April 12; Easter Egg Hunt April 13; Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt April 26; Celebration Belle Trip April 26; Run Crandic April 28


  1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
  2. Any old issues not on agenda?


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 7:00 PM
    Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


Board Members Present: Matthew Eckhardt, Jami Maxson, Jerry Stimmel, Megan Lehman, Amalia Gedney-Lose
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 6:57 pm
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from February 7 meeting approved.
2. Public Comments- Brent Smith, candidate for City Council, introduced self, was past part-time employee for Parks
Dept, open to concerns and needs related to city parks and recreation.
3. Board Member Vacancy- Seven applications received, appointed March 12.
4. Park and Rec Synopsis- City administration wants to hold off on Recreation Master Plan, discussed synopsis sent
out for review.
Q1 Re Parks plan – need to reframe list as many projects have been completed. Park and Rec Committee can
prioritize list, but would like public input. Proposal made to establish subcommittee to work on reviewing 5 year
CIP and present to board, including public (perhaps board applicants not selected).
Q2 Re Aquatic Plan Addendum A – board members agree with current plan, realizing is work in progress.
Q 3 Re Recreation Site Feasibility – board agrees with need to evaluate, have staff assess possibilities for facility
and parking additions, recognizing need to fairly soon decide on mid to long range plans.
Synopsis – discussed working on vision plan, again with input from the public, seeking what they see as needs for
the community. Brainstormed re how to facilitate public engagement, again discussing subcommittee to
meeting laws.
5. Outdoor Pool Play Feature: Replacement of main play feature anticipated this spring, as well as changes to wall
for floatable walk.
6. Building and Grounds Report: Busy with snow and ice removal; anxious for it to be gone to get parks ready for
spring activities. Helped at Beat the Bitter. Interviewing seasonal workers. Waiting for weather to allow
timberline tree removal at dog park.
7. Baseball/Softball Update: Registration deadlines approaching. Brian held lottery for use of Quail Ridge and
Koser fields. Liberty will still need to use Babe Ruth field this year.
8. Summer 2019 Brochure: rough draft coming soon for May-August programs.
9. Upcoming Events: Community Garden signup April 5/April 12
Easter Egg Hunt April 13
Spring Shed Scavenger Hunt April 26
Celebration Belle trip April 26
Run Crandic April 28
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Reviewed. Swim lessons had 89 on waiting list in past. Shelly will get more info on
these numbers, as well as comparison of package usage (current v past).
1. Next Meeting Thursday, April 4, 2019 at 7:00PM; City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 7:45 pm



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