Parks and Recreation Commission on November 1, 2018




  1. Approve minutes: Sept 6th meeting; October 4 – no meeting, no minutes
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
  3. Priority Project Listing – Parks: Staff update of information, discussion and work on recommendation to city council.
  4. Priority Project Listing – Recreation & Aquatics: Staff update of information, discussion and work on recommendation to city council.
  5. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  6. Upcoming Events: Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt Nov 26-Dec 20; Holiday Vendor Fair Dec 8; Breakfast With Santa Dec 8; Recsters Holiday Camp Dec 26-28 and Jan 2-5
  7. Winter Spring 2019 Brochure: Staff has begun work on programming for January-April, 2019.
  8. Any new issues not on agenda?



  1. Rec Fees / Memberships Update: Update to new fees, started Oct 1
  2. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
  3. Any old issues not on agenda?


  1. Next Meeting: Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


Board Members Present: Matthew Eckhardt, Jami Maxson, Troy Carter, Jerry Stimmel, Megan Lehman
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer
Meeting called to order: 7:00 pm
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from Sept 6 meeting approved. (no meeting in Oct)
2. Priority Project listing – Parks Dept – Reviewed listing of completed projects and new Priority 1-5 projects. New
projects yet to prioritize discussed, including new park land, new equipment in parks, items such as Frisbee golf and
splash pads, trails and trail lighting. Consensus of members present is that acquisition of new park land is top priority,
followed very closely by new equipment and amenities (such as structures where none exist and things such as splash
pads), then new features (such as Frisbee golf), followed by safety features or concerns (such as trail lighting).
3. Priority Project listing – Aquatics and Recreation – Reviewed prior discussions and priority listing for pools and
Rec Center. Outdoor pool has some priorities budgeted/planned for spring (floating wall, play structure) and looking at
items such as shade areas, second (outdoor) gate. Indoor pool needs new Dectron unit, otherwise may accommodate
changes as budget items. Recreation priorities include women’s locker room renovation (in budget) as well as usual
weight and exercise equipment. Soon will be need for big ticket items such as large scale building maintenance items
(painting) and vehicle replacement. Many of the possible improvement and expansion plans hinge upon room for
structure expansion and increased parking, highlighting need for likely land acquisition. Community needs and facility
use also impacted by recreation plans in nearby communities. .
4. Building and Grounds Report: briefly reviewed. New concrete at Penn Meadows Park, including all trails, path
from north lot, under bleacher areas. Winterized landscaping (consumes much time).
5. Upcoming Events: Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt Nov 26-Dec 20
Holiday Vendor Fair Dec 8
Breakfast with Santa Dec 8
Recsters Holiday Camp Dec 26-28, Jan 2-5
6. Winter/Spring 2019 Brochure: Staff has begun working on programming.
1. Rec Fees/Membership update: New fees began Oct 1, reviewed numbers of packages, daily fees
2. Recreation Monthly Report: October busy with programing (fall and Halloween events)
1. Next Meeting Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 8:30 pm



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