Parks and Recreation Commission on November 7, 2019
7:00 PM, 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Approve minutes: Approve October 3 meeting minutes.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
- Curling Facility Presentation: Phil Burian with Cedar Rapids Curling Club presentation.
- Building & Grounds Report:
- Parks Monthly Report
- Budget/Capital Project Discussion
- Winter Spring Brochure: Is now out to public for review; registration begins Dec 2
- Upcoming Programs:
- Holiday Gazebo Lighting Nov 22
- Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt Nov 23-Dec 21
- Holiday Vendor Fair & Breakfast with Santa Dec 7
- Holiday Hours: Community Center Holiday Hours:
- Thurs & Fri., Nov 28 & 29 Facility –CLOSED
- Sat & Sun., Nov 30 & Dec 1 Regular Hours
- Any new issues not on agenda?
- Recreation Monthly Report:
- Recreation Monthly Report
- Budget/Capital Project Discussion
- Any old issues not on agenda?
- Next Meeting: Thursday, December 5, 2019, 7:00pm at City Council Chambers; 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourn
Board Members Present: Megan Lehman, Richard Grugin, Derrick Parker, Marcia Ziemer, Ann Graziano, Jerry Schimmel,
and Amalia Gedney-Lose
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, and Tim Hamer
1. Approve minutes: Approve October 3 meeting minutes.
a. Motion to adopt minutes by Marcia Ziemer, second by Derrick Parker, motion carried.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
a. None
3. Curling Facility Presentation: Phil Burian with Cedar Rapids Curling Club presentation.
a. Looking to move farther south in North Liberty to help draw greater numbers from all directions.
b. New curling facility to be built in Waterloo, feels that a NL location could build a partnership to grow the sport.
Anticipate Marshalltown, Quad Cities, north of CR, etc.
c. National Curling tournament coming to Cedar Rapids.
d. Proposed benefits: 501(c)(3) group, large event revenue, conference & tourism draw, youth programs, adaptive
programs, etc.
e. Board Questions and Discussion: Open to any building that is currently standing or building a new facility. Have
people travelling from Ames, Quad Cities, Decorah currently. Grant funding is available. Next steps trying to
find ice time for members. Looking forward to 2021 nationals to help generate numbers.
4. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report; Budget/Capital Project Discussion
a. Dog pet waste stations being installed.
b. Spending lots of time winterizing as soccer and ball season are over. Irrigation sites, landscaping, splash pad and
all facilities have been winterized.
c. Quail Ridge Park concrete is finished – finishing bleachers and walkway.
d. States certification programs.
e. On 10/30, released 2025 trout into Liberty Centre Pond.
f. Dog park concrete is finished, parking lot is in, trail is complete, and fencing is almost done. Grading is in
progress, as is backfilling of concrete. Goal is for dormant seeding on November 15th but do not anticipate this
will happen so likely will be spring over seeding. Anticipate opening Fall 2020.
g. Penn Meadows – tennis courts and parking repairs.
h. Back to full time staff as all seasonal workers are finished.
i. Snow is the next priority with sidewalks, trails and parking lots.
j. Discussed senior outdoor equipment and potential for putting it on the Ranshaw House property. Guy thinks
that putting it near the Rec Center would be ideal. Initially discussed putting it along a trail but have learned that
seniors prefer it to be grouped together so that they can talk amongst themselves. Looking to move this up as it
is an area that is lacking in North Liberty. Looking at about $100,000 to get the equipment, canopy and
5. Winter Spring Brochure: Is now out to public for review; registration begins Dec 2
a. In the NoJoCo, printed out a month in advance. Normally, it goes out the weekend before registration.
b. Registration begins December 2nd for winter/spring activities. Non-residents begin December 4th.
6. Upcoming Programs: Holiday Gazebo Lighting, Elf on the Shelf Scavenger Hunt, Holiday Vendor Fair and Breakfast
with Santa
a. Matt Mesick is coordinating these events.
7. Holiday Hours: Community Center Holiday Hours: Thurs & Fri., Nov 28-29 Facility closed and Sat & Sun., Nov 30 &
Dec 1 Regular Hours
a. Trying to spread the word.
8. Any new issues not on agenda?
a. None.
Old Business:
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Monthly Report, Budget/Capital Project Discussion
a. Weather was difficulty which increased indoor numbers.
b. Special events were a success with Haunted Happenings including over 700 participants. From a staff
perspective, the Haunted Happenings was improved with new setup.
c. Leagues continue – youth competitive league will start about 1 month behind rec leagues.
d. Peewee programs are continuing to be successful – soccer had 48 kids.
e. Pool is staying active. Swim lessons continue, as do water fitness sessions.
f. Dectron unit for the pool – ½ budgeted for this fiscal year, the other ½ for next fiscal year. Compressors
went out and refrigerant leak have led to need to replace unit or estimates for fixing the unit. $500,000 was
budgeted for the 2 year cycle. Anticipate looking to replace the entire unit versus making several fixes to
current system.
g. Budget information:
i. Immediate need with Dectron Unit
ii. Parking lot needs to be resurfaced – concerns of doing it now or waiting for a potential expansion
when it would have to be re-done.
iii. Focusing on what are the future plans for the rec center and Ranshaw House.
iv. Aquatic Plan is to increase splash pads now that the outdoor play features are completed.
v. Painting of the indoor and outdoor pool will need to be done possibly around 8/2020.
vi. Due to aging, equipment will need to be replaced.
h. Considering next phase for Centennial Park after drawing up potential plans with U of Iowa engineering
students. Upcoming city meetings to discuss funding. Anticipate presentations coming up regarding those
2. Any old issues not on agenda?
a. None.
1. Next Meeting: Next month meeting: Thursday, December 5, 2019; 7 pm at City Council Chambers; 1 Quail Creek