Parks and Recreation Commission on October 3, 2019


7:00 PM, 1 Quail Creek Circle


  1. Approve minutes: Approve September 5 meeting minutes.
  2. Public Comments/Concerns: Guest introduction and concern.
  3. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
  4. Halloween Programs: Staff is preparing for Halloween Events: Halloween Moonlight Walk (Oct 11); Pumpkin Painting & Carving (Oct 16); Haunted Happenings (Oct 24 & 25); Trick or Treat-ing (Oct 31)
  5. Winter Spring Brochure: We are working on this brochure; programs Jan-April 2020, Out to public in November, Registration Dates: Dec 2 for Residents; Dec 4 for Non-residents
  6. Any new issues not on agenda?


  1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
  2. Any old issues not on agenda?


  1. Next Meeting: Next month meeting: Thursday, November 7, 2019, 7:00pm at City Council Chambers; 1 Quail Creek Circle
  2. Adjourn


Board Members Present: Megan Lehman, Richard Grugin, Derrick Parker, Marcia Ziemer, Amalia Gedney-Lose
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer, and Brian Motley
1. Approve minutes: Approve September 5 meeting minutes.
a. Motion to adopt minutes by Richard Gurgin, Second by Derrick Parker. Motion carried.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: No guest introduction and concern.
3. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
a. Short-handed on staff with return of students/loss of seasonal workers.
b. Wet conditions making it difficult to perform maintenance activities.
c. Continued ball field maintenance.
d. Fall soccer program continues.
e. Grading and seeding at Koser and Penn Meadows – would like to do more if drier weather arrives.
f. Concrete sidewalk at Quail Creek Park, trying to get done but rain has been prohibitive.
g. Vandalism at shelter with sharpies on walls and picnic tables. Cameras were able to catch vandals which has
been turned over to the police department
h. Planted trees at Centennial funded by the spring trees grant. Planted about 12 trees. Anticipate application for
dog park trees next year.
i. Release of channel catfish in the ponds occurred in conjunction with the IDNR.
j. Anticipate fall stocking of trout in the North Liberty Centre Pond so that ice fishing can occur, and people can
fish through the winter.
k. No movement on the dog park at this time due to weather. Anticipated 9/30 but was unable to meet this.
Mid-November is the goal for a dormant seeding. If this doesn’t happen, the opening may need to be
l. Dog park sign was ordered.
m. Budgeting planning in progress
4. Halloween Programs: Staff is preparing for Halloween Events;
Halloween Moonlight Walk Oct 11
Pumpkin Painting & Carving Oct 16
Haunted Happenings Oct 24 & 25
Trick or Treat-ing Oct 31
a. Busy planning of activities is underway.
b. New plan for Haunted Happenings location and maze in the lower level gym
c. Trick or Treat-ing collaboration with the library.
5. Winter Spring Brochure: We are working on this brochure; programs Jan-April 2020
Out to public in November.
Registration Dates: Dec 2 for Residents; Dec 4 for Non-residents
a. Moving timeframe 1 month prior to registration dates versus the publishing in the NoJoCo the weekend prior to
registration opening.
b. January through April programming will be released in November through the NoJoCo with registration starting
December 2nd for residents and December 4th for non-residents
6. Any new issues not on agenda?
a. Fitness equipment for older adults was discussed. Amalia presented briefly on research showing barriers,
facilitators and preferences of older adults using the equipment. Discussed importance of the equipment being
accessible for all groups and the preference for being located in shaded areas.
• Derrick suggested having pictures of equipment in the rec center and have community members vote on
their most preferred pieces of equipment.
• Amalia will look into funding sources and follow up with Guy and the committee at the next meeting.
• Guy will review the budget for Parks and determine what flexibility he has to incorporate the older adult
fitness equipment into the budget for FY2021.
b. Richard verbalized concern for “tweens” and making sure that our community has access to age appropriate
facilities for all age groups.
c. Cedar Rapids Curling would like to be on the November meeting to discuss dedicated curling facilities in North
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Recreation Review from previous month.
a. Busy month for youth sports and league formations.
b. Pool revenue comparison showed a loss from 2018 to 2019 of just under $20,000.00. It was difficult with the pool
closures and loss of Memorial Day weekend.
c. Marcia asked Shelly if she has looked at trends regarding facility usage– Shelly was surprised at the number of
people who pay the daily fee versus getting a monthly or annual pass which would be more economical.
d. Derrick asked about the BASP and wondered if it is usually full. The afternoon slot is maxed out at 60 kids with a
wait list. The mornings aren’t full anymore with the “bell change” of the local schools. Previously the program had
about 25 students in the morning and now they have about 10. Derrick was interested in knowing how many
children were on the wait list so Shelly will look into this for the next meeting.
e. Richard asked for clarification about transportation to North Bend and Van Allen, which has stopped due to
transportation cost, access and demand. Shelly/Brian have continued to monitor morning trends to see if there
are possible ways to increase enrollment.
2. Any old issues not on agenda? N/A
1. Next Meeting: Next month meeting: Thursday, November 7, 2019
7:00pm at City Council Chambers; 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourn
a. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 pm



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