Parks and Recreation Commission on September 2, 2021


7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 1 Quail Creek Circle, North Liberty, Iowa

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  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes
    1. August 5, 2021
  3. Reports
    1. Parks Report
    2. Recreation/Pool Report
    3. Questions or Concerns
  4. New Business
    1. Board vacancy
  5. Old Business
  6. Next Meeting
    1. Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 7:00pm.
  7. Adjourn


Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 2, 2021
Present: Richard Grugin, Marcia Ziemer, Kevin Stibal, Craig Sundell
Absent: Amy Chen, Jeremy Parrish, Shannon Greene
Others Present: Shelley Simpson, Brian Motley, Guy Goldsmith, Tim Hamer

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes

  • Moved: Marcia Zeimer
  • Second: Craig Sundell

3. Reports

  • a. Parks Report
    i. Building maintenance on Ranshaw House completed
    1. Paint completed
    2. Ready to grade land
    ii. Maintaining equipment
    1. Preventative for winter work
    iii. Landscaping
    1. Lots of weeds due to dry weather
    2. More minimal mowing
    3. Ballfield preparation for upcoming seasons
    iv. Centennial Park Project and Forevergreen Road Trail Projects
    1. August 18 meeting to discuss both
    2. Centennial Park project began
    a. South residents not thrilled with road going in
    b. Concept was in place since 2012 before housing built
    c. Designed to be a destination/event park
    d. Road and seed in Fall 2021
    e. Full completion through Spring 2022
    f. Ready to go for Blues and BBQ
    3. Forevergreen Road Trail project to begin shortly
    v. New Trash Receptacles
    1. 10 new trash receptacles placed
    2. Between Penn Street and Forevergreen
    3. Tom White donated $5,000 to cover these for the trail
    vi. Employees
    1. Seasonal employees mostly back in college (1/12 left)
    2. Full time doing necessities as project slow down
    3. Requesting for more full-time employees in new budget season
    a. More landscaping demands now and need another person
    b. Requested last year, told to wait, will try again
    vii. Tennis Court
    1. Behind schedule as the crew contracted COVID-19
    2. Filled in substrate and new base to prevent cracks
    3. West side will be leveled off for the ice rink set up
    4. East side will have permanent pickleball court
    5. Ice rink will be open this season
    6. Asphalt base for court
    7. Tree removal as they grew through the gutter
    8. Curb cut will allow North parking lot expansion with lights
    a. In CIP to repair existing lot and add lights
    b. Eventually want to get lighting on the fields
    viii. Derecho Grant Awarded
    1. October 2 at 9:30 AM meeting to represent project
    2. Tree planting throughout community
    3. Required to have educational portion
    4. Potential places: Beaver Kreek, due to older trees
    b. Recreation/Pool Report
    i. Summer season closing
    1. 10 weeks of summer camp completed
    2. Outside pool closing at Labor Day
    3. Indoor pool closed September 10-October 24
    a. For pool heater switch
    b. Hope will not have to drain water
    c. Circulation pumps can prevent draining
    4. Outside work ongoing
    a. Cut into existing wall to make floor at the same level
    5. COVID-19
    a. May qualify for grant due to fitness center losses
    b. When mask restrictions on, lowers attendance
    c. But want to avoid becoming a spreader facility
    d. Separating the pools by activity worked well
    e. Exterior entry to outside pool worked due to no hot food
    f. 1 hour for only passholders had positive feedback
    ii. Fall season
    1. Leagues are active or starting shortly
    a. Some programs are shared with Coralville and Tiffin
    b. 112 soccer players with 30 on waitlist; not enough coaches
    2. Part-timing staffing low
    a. Need swim lesson coaches, before and after school rec counselors, rec
    center front desk monitors and off-site building monitors
    b. Also need flag football referees
    i. $15/hr. on Sunday afternoons
    ii. Anyone 16 years old +
    iii. Email sent to Liberty High School coach to pass on
    iv. Advertising to Coe, Cornell, Kirkwood, U Iowa
    v. Churches have employment specialists
    c. Job details are available on the website
    d. COVID-19 protocols
    i. Follow government suggestions
    3. Rec Center remodeling
    a. Need information for gas lines to the showers
    b. Need information on snow removal for roof
    c. Then will go to contractors for bids
    c. Questions or Concerns

4. New Business

  • Board vacancy
    Craig Sundell moving to Texas and board thanks him for his
  • Will advertise for spot to finish his term

5. Old Business

  •  None

6. Next Meeting

  • Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 7 PM

7. Adjourn

  • Motion: Craig Sundell
  • Second: Kevin Stibal



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