Parks and Recreation Commission on September 3, 2020
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Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
- Call to Order
- Approval of Minutes
- August 6, 2020
- Board Update
- One vacancy remains; an additional member will be joining at Oct meeting
- Appointment of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary
- Reports
- Parks Report
- Recreation/Pool Report
- Questions or Concerns
- Next Meeting
- Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 7:00pm. (Note: Shelly will be absent)
- Adjourn
Board Members Present: Richard Grugin, Craig Sundell, Marcia Ziemer, Megan Lehman,
Shannon Greene, Amalia Gedney-Lose
Absentees: 1 Board Vacancy
Others Present: Shelly Simpson, Tim Hamer, Guy Goldsmith, Brian Motley
Meetings are rebroadcast on cable and available on-demand on
1. Call to Order
• Time: 7:00 by Megan Lehman
2. Approval of Minutes
• August 6, 2020: Motion by Craige Sundell, seconded by Shannon
Greene; motion carried.
3. Board Update
• One vacancy remains; an additional member will be joining at Oct
• The mayor has not yet appointed someone. There were 3 applicants
that are to be reviewed at the 9/8/20 meeting.
• Appointment of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
Chair: Megan, motion by Amaia Gedney-Lose, seconded by Richard
Vice Chair: Richard Grugin, motion by Megan Lehman, Seconded by
Amalia Gedney-Lose
Secretary: Amalia, motion by Megan Lehman, Seconded by Craig
4. Reports
• Parks Report
Most of the month has been dedicated to storm clean up.
Clean up has gone quite well. It has taken a lot of time and
equipment, but it is improving.
Plan to close gates to further debris by 9/14/20
Limited staff means that there is focus on the necessities like
mowing and trimming.
Landscaping maintenance with street scapes and around town,
working on cleaning weeds and tidying
Working with contractors for Ranshaw House – bid went over so
working to get project back in budget.
HAVC is on schedule at aquatic center
City of CR inquired about using baseball fields due to their closure.
Planning to bring their youth teams down here. Anticipate more
activity at Penn Meadows Park on the weekends.
Waiting for Pour and Play grounding for Centennial Tot Lot
1. Possibly 9/15
Most of the seasonal staff has returned to college, 2 remain.
Dog park had to drop down on priority list with storm. Also
concerns with turf growing due to dry weather. Benches are not in
yet. A little left on shelter roofs.
Some damage – shingles lost, one dugout cover taken out at Quail
Ridge, prior to that there was damage from the hail storm in July.
Still working through the tree damage, high priority/dangerous
things are done for the most part. On the day of the storm, the
trails were covered with trees and limbs. They cleared this the day
of the storm to ensure the trails were open before the end of
Shannon gave kudos for the timeliness of the clean up and shared
that there were many people that she heard from community
members. Guy voiced positive response from community members
and an emphasis on pride and community.
Registration for dog park use is being processed by someone at
City Hall. There will be a registration process that is still in
development. Registration and proof of vaccination is required for
dog park use.
Planning some temporary signage with information kiosk.
• Recreation/Pool Report
Fall programming/registration: pushed back as we’ve progressed
through COVID. Registration window is 1 month prior to programs
starting to help eliminate cancellations and the needs for refunds.
Some September programming registration started in August.
Programming online continues.
Decision making is impacted day to day, school schedules, etc.
ASP: No program until school goes to the hybrid system. On the
hybrid system, they would have after school only.
1. 40 were registered in spring when they set up the hold your
2. Sending emails to communicate with families about their
interest to start 9/21 as this is the first 2-week period of the
hybrid learning plan.
3. Majority are ICCSD. If Clear Creak students want to join BASP,
they have to find their own transportation to the center.
4. Pick up from schools on hybrid in person days, but if students
wanted to come on days when they’re not in school they have
to have their own transportation.
5. Shelly will have Matt Fielder look into enrollment of BASP
students at North Bend to see if their enrollment is full and if
there are limitations related to van transportation from Clear
Creak district to the rec center.
Swim lessons: next opens 9/8 for registration. This will help gauge
interest. For lower levels, asking that parent be in the water with
the child. As people register, they will communicate need and
session numbers. Staffing remains short so they may not be able
to offer as many lessons due to this.
HVAC project and repainting occurred throughout August.
Deadline was pushed back 1 week for HVAC and 7 days of cure
time for the paint for painting. 2 coats of white are down, but blue
and black lines are not done yet. Once all painting is done, they
will let cure for 7 days and then hope to open on 9/14.
Weight and exercise: members are getting used to times and
process for signing up. Same for the track. On 9/1, Pickleball and
Basketball able to use the gym. Basketball has been going but
Pickleball hasn’t picked up yet.
Additional reports in the packet. Increase in weight fees and slight
increase in pool use which is anticipated to increase more when
• Questions or Concerns
No additional questions.
5. Next Meeting
• Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 7:00pm. (Note: Shelly will be absent)
6. Adjourn
• 7:27 pm