Parks and Recreation Commission on January 4, 2018
1. Approve minutes from meeting of: Minutes from December 7 meeting.
2. Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
3. Fees / Membership Discussion: Discussion continues on new fee/membership proposal, changes to simplify, options and increase fees with May 1 implementation.
4. Aquatics Plan Update: Shelly and Dean directed to review and recommend final draft for formal approval, Staff continuing to plan in prioritizing steps A thru E, and staff continuing to gather survey results to help direct recreation needs of community.
5. Ice Skating Update: Rink, skate rental and use update. Security camera concern
6. Winter Trail Maintenance: Board member inquiry
7. Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
8. Winter/Spring Facility Usage: Usage remains high with new year resolutions, freezing temps, and new
winter/spring classes and programs.
9. Upcoming Events: Beat the Bitter February 2 & 3
10. Any new issues not on the agenda?
1. Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
2. Any old business not on agenda?
1. Next Meeting: Thursday, February 1, 2018 at 7:00 PM. Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourn
- Approve minutes: Minutes from December 7 meeting approved.
- Fees/Membership discussion:Updated propsals reviewed. Options of daily fees of $4/$3 for children and ages 60+ (options of $5/4 for non-residents). Other package proposals unchanged, except facility track memberships of $5 resident /$6 non resident. Input from board liking ID cards for tracking, still some concern re track fees as obstacle to draw people to the Rec Center. Could recoup some cost for cleaning and resurfacing of track. Problems recognized re enforcing facility pass users with others utilizing community center, possibility of hand stamps to ID those already checked in with pass. Consideration of numbers of pass holders for different packages, fairly large percentage of non-residents purchasing and those package prices greatly decreased.
- Aquatics Plan update: Shelly and Dean Wheatly have been directed to review and recommend final draft, will utilize Dean’s input from working on parks plan with Guy. Prioritizing boards A through E recommendations, hoping to do outdoor pool changes FY 2019, but parking changes at a dead end, need to find other options to address parking issue. Staff is continuing to gather surveys re community recreation needs.
- Ice Skating update: Dec 27 started rentals, even with cold weather 21 families have rented skates. Able to readily repair damage after vandalism. Consideration of security camera, could also monitor usage and need for lights.
- Winter Trail Maintenance: Clear trails anytime there is considerable snow. Troy expressed gratitude that this is done. Guy often sees bikers or runners even quite early when he is clearing trails, there is considerabel community use.
- Building and Grounds Report: Busy with building maintenance, snow removal, working on equipment maintenance, working on ice rink. Sent in Tree City USA application. Playground for Centennial Park ordered.
- Winter/Spring Facility Usage: Demand high with New Year’s resolutions, freezing temps, new programs.
- Upcoming events: Beat the Bitter February 2&3
- Recreation Monthly Report: Some breaks in programming with the holidays. Thanks to North Liberty Lions and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for efforts at Santa Breakfast.
- Next Meeting Thursday February 1, 2018 at 7:00PM Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourned at 8:22 pm