Parks and Recreation Commission on July 5, 2018
- Approve minutes from meeting of: Minutes from June 7 meeting.
- Public Comments/Concerns: Open to public for comments and concerns; 5 minutes per person time limit.
- Park Board Members: Welcome, incumbent Megan Lehman to full term; Two new members, Amalia Gedney-Lose and Jerry Schimmel.
- Board Appointments: Will need to make appointments for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary
- Fees / Membership Discussion: City council failed to pass the proposal as presented. Make changes and present again to Council.
- Administrative Assistant Position: A FT staff member gave two-weeks notice, advertising position and accepting applications through July 11, 2018
- Building & Grounds Report: Parks Monthly Report
- Upcoming Events: Blues & BBQ July 14, Just Tri – Youth Triathlon July 29
- Any new issues not on the agenda?
- Recreation Monthly Report: Report included in packet summarizing the past month.
- Any old business not on agenda?
- Next Meeting: Thursday, August 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM, Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
- Adjourn
1. Approve minutes: Minutes from May 3 meeting approved.
2. Park Board applications: Have 10 applicants for 2 positions, new members appointed June 12.
3. Fees/Membership: Recap of proposal to present to City Council. Shelly will appear before council at June 12 meeting.
4. Building and Grounds Report: Most seasonal staff now on board. Time spent landscaping, watering, on ballfield maintenance. Splash pad open for season. Getting ready for June 18 playground installation, week later will do pour and play surface. Rock boulder climbing area installed July 16. Thanks to Heritage Christian for their Day of Service, worked mulching trees.
5. Outdoor Pool Opening Weekend: Summary of revenue compared to past year, revenue second highest on record with warm weather (may have been highest except for need to close early).
6. Outdoor Pool Operations: pool has had to close early most days due to water clarity and safety issues. Staff and outside consultants are working to try to find cause.
7. Upcoming Events: Summer camp/Knight riders this week Summer lunch program this week Summer swim lessons this week Bike rodeo/slow roll June 15 CR Kernels June 23
1. Recreation Monthly Report: May is break time for swim lessons; popular activities were Pee Wee sports and Blastball.
2. Old Business:
a) Locker room renovations at Rec Center almost complete
b) Dog Park is closer to reality, possible action on land at upcoming CIty Council meeting.
1. Next Meeting
Thursday July 5, 2018 at 7:00PM
Location: City Council Chambers at 1 Quail Creek Circle
2. Adjourned at 8:21 pm