Planning and Zoning Commission on February 22, 2017
- SITE PLAN: Request of Junge Automotive to approve a site plan for a new car dealership located on North Madison Avenue west of Kansas Avenue. (Lot 1, Liberty’s Gate Part 8; and Lot 28 Liberty’s Gate Part 3)
- Consider removing the agenda item from the table
- Staff presentation
- Applicants presentation
- Public comments
- Questions and comments
- Recommendation to the City Council
Roll Call
Chair Ronda Detlefsen called the February 22, 2017 Special Session of the North Liberty Planning Commission to order at 6:33 p.m. Commission members present: Josh Covert, Ronda Detlefsen, Adam Gebhart, Jason Heisler and Patrick Staber. Absent – Jennifer Bleil and Kylie Pentecost.
Others present: Dean Wheatley, Ryan Heiar, Tracey Mulcahey, Scott Peterson, Megan Benischek and other interested parties.
Agenda Approval
Sayre moved, Staber seconded to approve the agenda. The vote was all ayes. Agenda approved.
Junge Ford Site Plan
Consider removing the agenda item from the table
Covert moved, Gebhart seconded to remove the Junge Ford Site Plan from the table. The vote was all ayes. Motion carried.
Staff presentation
Wheatley presented the request of Junge Automotive to approve a site plan for a new car dealership located on North Madison Avenue west of Kansas Avenue.
Applicants presentation
Mike Warden, Knapp Warden Architects, spoke regarding the updates to the site plan application.
Public comments
No public comments were offered.
Questions and comments
The Commission discussed the awnings, the revisions, masonry percentage, really appreciate the effort of the applicant to work with the Commission and staff, the addition of pilasters and the updated doors on the service side.
Recommendation to the City Council
Covert moved, Staber seconded to recommend approval of the Junge Ford Site Plan with no conditions. The vote was: ayes – Staber, Covert, Heisler, Gebhart, Detlefsen; nays – none. Motion approved.
Approval of Previous Minutes
Covert moved, Gebhart_ seconded to approve the minutes of the February 7 Planning Commission meeting. The vote was all ayes, except Detlefsen abstaining due to absence. Minutes approved.
Old Business
No old business was presented.
New Business
Wheatley reported that two cases have been submitted for the March meeting.
At 6:50 p.m., Covert moved, Heisler seconded to adjourn. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.